
Title: Contemporary issues in Caribbean and Latin American relations
Other creators: Kirton R. Mark; Anatol Marlon
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Diplomatic relations.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"This publication addresses several contemporary issues impacting the relations between the Caribbean and Latin America including challenges relation to migration, security, economic and political integration, in the context of the current global environment. Against this background, the publication also seeks to provide recommendations and options"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Introduction: Contemporary Issues in Caribbean and Latin American Relations
    • About the Caribbean
  • Chapter 1: The Guyana Shield in a Changing Regional Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
    • Introduction
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 2: The Impact of Venezuelan Immigrants on Crime in Trinidad and Tobago: A Critical Evaluation
    • Introduction
    • Migration and Crime
    • Theoretical Considerations
    • Economic Model of Crime
    • Other Theoretical Considerations
    • Causal Relationship: The Nexus
    • Conclusions and Recommendations—Policy Considerations
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Leveraging the Asylum System to Overcome Immigration Barriers in Small Island States
    • Introduction
    • Stigmatization of Irregular Migration and its Implications for Migrants
    • Policy Responses to Irregular Migration
    • The Emerging Role of Islands in Migration Studies
    • Overcoming Strict Immigration Policies
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 4: To Expand or Not to Expand?: Utilizing Geopolitical Analysis to Examine CARICOM’s Potential Enlargement in the Twenty-First Century
    • The Caribbean: An Overview
    • Findings of a Caribbean Geopolitical Analysis
    • Caribbean Natural Resources
    • Caribbean Boundaries
    • Caribbean Geography of Populations
    • Caribbean Geopolitical Representations
    • Overview of Caribbean Integration
    • Governance of the CARICOM Arrangement
    • CARICOM Enlargement?
    • CARICOM Admittance of the Dutch Caribbean Territories
    • CARICOM Admittance of Dominican Republic
    • The Way Forward
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 5: The Foreign Policy of the Cuban Revolution: Half a Century of Cuba–Caribbean Relations
    • Introduction
    • The Foreign Policy of the Cuban Revolution
    • Cuba and the Rest of the Caribbean: A Historic Review of a Cemented Relationship
    • Cuba’s Cooperation in the Caribbean: A Major Cornerstone for Hemispheric Relations
    • Clouds on the Horizon
    • Final Remarks
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 6: Reflections on the Socially Responsive Regional Integration Process of UNASUR: A Small State Perspective
    • Introduction
    • South American Regionalism in Context
    • The “Social” in Regionalism of South America
    • UNASUR Social
    • UNASUR Health
    • Relevance for Suriname
    • Concluding Notes
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 7: Validating the Dimensions of Human Security Using a Factor-Analytic Procedure
    • Introduction
    • Justification and Significance of This Research
    • Survey of Empirical Studies
    • Conceptual Issues: Defining Security
    • Study Design
    • Findings and Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Appendix A: Questionnaire
  • Appendix B: Sample Size Selection
  • Index
  • About the Editors and Contributors

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