
Title: Stakeholder management and social responsibility: concepts, approaches and tools in the Covid context
Creators: Nicolescu Ovidiu
Other creators: Nicolescu Ciprian
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Management — Social aspects.; Stakeholder management.; Social responsibility of business.; Gestion — Aspect social.; Entreprises — Responsabilité sociale.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Strategic Planning; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1262693254

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"The main objective of this book is to provide an innovative set of concepts and tools regarding company management, internal and external stakeholders and social responsibilities, reflecting the necessities and opportunities generated by the digital transformation, the transition to a knowledge-based economy and the Covid-19 crisis. The book, based on a holistic vision and contextual approach of business, contributes to the development of company management and stakeholder and social responsibility theories and practices, being structured in twelve chapters. The original company management vision, approaches and tools are based on three pillars: a new 'manager-relevant stakeholder' rather than 'manager-subordinate' managerial paradigm; a new type of company social responsibility rather than corporate social responsibility; and a new concept of company-relevant stakeholder rather than that of salient stakeholders. The book contains two innovative managerial mechanisms: the managerial synapse and company-relevant stakeholders-based management system able to help companies and stakeholders face successfully the challenges of digital transformation and the Covid-19 crisis and to generate greater organization functionality and performance. The book will be of interest to company managers and management specialists, management academics, consultants and researchers and MBA students interested in a style of management with social responsibility at the forefront"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Series Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Preface
  • 1. Instead of Introduction: Why Is Stakeholder Management Necessary and Possible in the Present Context?
    • Why Is Stakeholder Management Necessary Now, in the Present Context?
      • Organizational Arguments
      • Managerial Arguments
      • Societal Arguments
    • Why Is Stakeholder Management Possible Now, in the Current Context?
      • Organizational Arguments
      • Managerial Arguments
      • Societal Arguments
    • References
  • 2. Transition to the Knowledge-Based Economy and the Digital Economy - The Context of the Company Management, Stakeholder, and Social Responsibility Approach
    • Knowledge Revolution
    • Knowledge: Main Characteristics and Roles
    • Knowledge-Based Economy Concept
    • Knowledge-Based Economy Features
    • Digital Revolution and Digital Economy
    • Relationships Between Digital/Digitalized Economy and Knowledge-Based Economy
    • Knowledge-Based Company - The Essential Component of the Knowledge-Based Economy
    • Business Ecosystems - The New Performant Structures of the Knowledge-Based Economy
    • Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic Context
    • Notes
    • References
  • 3. Contextual Main Changes and Influences on the Company and Its Stakeholders
    • Approach to the Changing Business Environment
    • Main Trends in the Changing Business Environment
      • Increase in the Business Environment Complexity, Dynamism, and Volatility
      • Digitalization of the Socio-Economic Processes
      • Work Intellectualization
      • Internationalization of Activities
      • Multiculturalization of the Labour Force
      • Nanotechnologization and Biotechnologization
      • Comprehensive Networking in the Society and the Economy
      • Sustainable Ecologization
      • Intensification and Diversification of State Intervention
      • Development of the Powerful Educational-Formative Dimension
      • Multidimensional Remodelling of Markets
    • Short Synthesis of the Influences of Megashifts on a Company and Its Stakeholders
    • References
  • 4. Main Aspects of the Stakeholders' Approach Evolution
    • Short History of the Stakeholders' Approach
    • Descriptive, Instrumental, and Normative Approaches
    • Main Categories of Stakeholders
    • Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization
    • Laws and Principles Regarding Organization Stakeholders
    • The Corporate Governance‒Stakeholder Management Relationship
    • Our Proposals Regarding the Development of a New Stakeholder Management Approach
    • Notes
    • References
  • 5. Managerial Synapse: New Concept and Innovative Managerial Mechanism
    • Manager: The Most Important Organizational Stakeholder
    • Relevant Stakeholder as an Essential Component of Each Company
    • Managerial Synapse Definition and Categories
    • Specificity and Dimensions of the Managerial Synapse
    • Psychological-Cultural Background for the Managerial Synapse
    • Stakeholder Trust: Crucial for Managerial Synapse
    • Economic Background of the Managerial Synapse
    • Criteria for Managerial Synapse Classification and Characterization
    • Main Advantages and Limits of the Managerial Synapse
    • Opportunity and Benefits of the Managerial Synapse in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context
    • Why Is the Managerial Synapse a New Revolutionary Managerial Mechanism?
    • Note
    • References
  • 6. Building of the Managerial Synapse
    • Main Variables Influencing the Managerial Synapse
    • Approaches and Premises in the Managerial Synapse Construction
    • Stakeholders' Win-Win Negotiation Based on Multifaceted Motivation
    • Strong Motivation Content and Engagement of the Managerial Synapse Components
    • Major Role Played by Stakeholder Perceptions in Managerial Synapse Construction and Work
    • Two Alternative Approaches to Constructing and Implementing a Managerial Synapse
    • Guide for Managerial Synapse Construction, Work, and Development
    • Notes
    • References
  • 7. Manager-Subordinate Managerial Synapse
    • Premises of the Manager‒Subordinate Approach
    • Main Differences Between a Manager‒Subordinate Synapse and the "Classical Manager‒Subordinate Relationship"
    • Outstanding Role and Importance of the Manager‒Subordinate Managerial Synapse
    • Classification and Characterization of the Company Manager‒Subordinate Managerial Synapse
    • Manager and Subordinate Meaningful Work Inside the Managerial Synapse
    • Subordinate and Manager Positive Identity Construction and Work
    • Employee Agile and Dynamic Work
    • Innovative Dimension of the Manager‒Subordinate Managerial Synapse
    • Specific Advantages of the Manager‒Subordinate Managerial Synapse
    • Note
    • References
  • 8. Approach of Customer Relationship Management as a Managerial Synapse
    • Short Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Genesis and Development (Evolution)
    • CRM Definition and Mechanism
    • Main Approaches of CRM in the Specialized Literature and Company Practice
    • CRM Evaluation Using the Features of Managerial Synapse
    • Perspectives and Ways to Develop CRM in Order to Become a Performant Managerial Synapse
    • Classification of Manager-Relevant Customer Synapse
    • Main Advantages and Limitations of the Customer-Centred Managerial Synapse
    • Notes
    • References
  • 9. Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Company Management System Concept
    • Necessity of the Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Definition of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Main Differences Between the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System and "Classic" Company Management Systems
    • Principles of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Multiple Advantages of the New System for the Company and Relevant Stakeholders
    • Comparative Approach of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System with the Stakeholders' Engagement
    • Necessity and Benefits of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Contexts
    • Notes
    • References
  • 10. The Economic, Social, Ecologic, and Psychological Background of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management
    • Holistic Approach to the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System Foundations
    • Value Creation and Appropriation in a Company with Multiple Relevant Stakeholders
    • Value Chain and Virtual Value Chain
    • Knowledge Value Chain
    • Interdependencies Between Company Value Chains - Business Environment-Relevant Stakeholders
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Company-Relevant Stakeholder Responsibilities
    • Development and Implication of Humanistic Management in Companies
    • Emotions and Emotional Intelligence in Companies
    • New Company-Relevant Stakeholders' Business Model Framework
    • Notes
    • References
  • 11. How to Design and Build the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Milestones of Designing and Building the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Premises of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System Construction and Development
    • Company Managers' Vision and Leadership Focused on the Relevant Stakeholders
    • Design of the New Company Strategy
    • Remodelling of the Company Management System
    • Approaches, Methods, and Techniques Useful in the Construction and Operation of the Company-Relevant Stakeholders-Based Management System
    • Construction of the New Company Organizational Culture and Subcultures
    • Notes
    • References
  • 12. Instead of Conclusions: Why the New Vision and Approaches Regarding Company Management, Relevant Stakeholders, and Social Responsibility Should Be Implemented in Numerous Companies?
    • Supplementary Resources for the Company
    • Better Processes in the Company and at the External Stakeholders Level
    • Higher, Multidimensional, and Sustainable Performances for the Company and Its Internal and External Stakeholders
  • Index

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