
Title: Studies in generative grammar ;. Why is 'Why' Unique?: Its Syntactic and Semantic Properties. — 142.
Other creators: Soare Gabriela; Bocci Giuliano; Bonan Caterina; Buell Leston Chandler; Catasso Nicholas; Cheng Lisa Lai-Shen; Corver Norbert; Cruschina Silvio; Doron Edit; Endo Yoshio; Irurtzun Aritz; Rizzi Luigi; Shlonsky Ur; Tsai Wei-Tien Dylan; Wolf Lavi
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Grammar, Comparative and general — Adverbials.; Adjunkt.; Satzglied.; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax.; High and Low Reasons Adjuncts.; Merge Position.; Why-questions.; 'What' as Why-questions.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: on1266228269

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Why is 'Why' Unique? Its Syntactic and Semantic Properties considers the behaviour of this peculiar wh-element across many different languages, including Ewe, Trevisan, Italian, Basque, German, Dutch, Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Hebrew. In ten original chapters, the authors explore various aspects of why-questions, such as the way why interacts with V2 constructions in Basque, with a subject clitic in Trevisan or how its morpho-syntactic make-up determines its merge position in Ewe, to mention but a few. Furthermore, a clear-cut distinction is established between high and low reason adverbials which are subsequently examined in why-stripping environments in Dutch. Beyond why proper, the book explores a special class of wh-expressions in some in-situ languages which give rise to unexpected why-construals with a touch of whining force. The objective is to explain the unusual syntactic position of these wh-expressions as well as their association with peculiar pragmatics. The questions are addressed for Cantonese: are what-initial sentences genuine questions? To what extent are Cantonese what-initial sentences similar to how-initial sentences in Mandarin? Beside these what-as-why questions, a special class of rhetorical questions, the doubly-marked interrogatives in Hebrew, come under scrutiny. Why is 'why' unique also concerns the interface with prosody and several experimental studies investigate precisely this aspect.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Why in a Gbe language
  • Reason questions as a complementizer domain phenomenon: Evidence from Ewe
  • Part 2: Towards a cartography of high and low reason adverbials
  • On ‘why’ in situ in Northern Italian dialects: Evidence from Trevisan
  • Why questions break the residual V2 restriction (in Basque and beyond)
  • Is German warum so special after all?
  • Why in Dutch? On why-stripping and high and low adverbials
  • Part 3: Wh-in-Situ languages: Whys, hows, and whats
  • On applicative Why-questions in Chinese
  • What-as-Why sentences in Cantonese
  • Part 4: Some syntactic aspects of how come
  • How come questions and diary English
  • Part 5: A special class of why rhetorical questions: Semantics and pragmatics
  • Why rhetorical questions?
  • Part 6: Why and the syntax-prosody interface
  • On some special properties of why in syntax and prosody
  • Index of subjects

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