
Title: Interpersonal violence against children and youth
Other creators: Lim Hyeyoung
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Child abuse — Prevention.; Interpersonal conflict — Prevention.; Violence — Prevention.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"Pulling together researchers, practitioners, and educators from around the world, this book addresses the various practices and efforts different countries use to protect children and prevent interpersonal violence"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • No Violence against Children Tolerable and Justifiable
      • The Definition of the Term “Children” in This Book
      • About This Book
    • References
  • Part I: Threats of Interpersonal Violence in Everyday Life: Part I
  • Chapter 1: Parental Physical Abuse of Children: Characterization and Reverberations in Multiple Forms of Interpersonal Violence
    • Physical Abuse Definition
    • Prevalence
    • Parental Risk Factors
      • Epidemiological Risk Factors
      • Etiological Risk Factors
    • Consequences of Physical Abuse
      • Theoretical Issues
      • Nonviolent Physical Abuse Effects
      • Short-Term Interpersonal Violence Effects
        • Family Aggression
      • Long-Term Interpersonal Violence Effects
        • IPV and Dating Violence
        • Extrafamilial Violent Criminal Behavior
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • Chapter 2: Multiple Forms of Violence in the Lives of Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Risk Factors and Outcomes1
    • Literature Review
      • Early Childhood Experiences of Abuse
      • Victimization since Being on the Street
      • Substance Use
    • Theoretical Framework
    • Methods
      • Measures
        • Distal Risk Factors
        • Proximal Risk Factors
        • Dependent Variables
        • Data Analytic Plan
        • Sample Characteristics
    • Results
      • Bivariate Results
        • Multivariate Analysis
    • Discussion
    • Limitations
    • Conclusion
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Teen Dating Violence: Results from a National Study in Portugal1
    • Theoretical Overview
      • Gender-based Violence as a Social Problem
      • Teen Dating Violence
      • Prevalence and Acceptance of Teen Dating Violence
      • Teen Dating Violence in Portugal
      • Current Study
    • Method
      • Instrument
        • Participants
      • Data Collection Procedure
      • Data Analysis
    • Results
      • Prevalence and Acceptance of Teen Dating Violence in Portugal
      • Victimization Indicators and Acceptance of Teen Dating Violence by Gender
      • Acceptance of Dating Violence by “V” and “NV” Groups: Does It Make a Difference?
    • Discussion
      • Limitations and Further Research
    • Conclusion
    • Note
    • References
  • Part II: Computer-related Interpersonal Violence: Part II
  • Chapter 4: Image-Based Sexual Abuse among Australian Youths: The Experiences and Perspectives of Victims, Perpetrators, and Bystanders
    • Literature Review
      • Interpersonal Violence
      • Technology-Mediated Sexual Interaction
      • Image-Based Sexual Abuse
        • Extent and Nature of IBSA and Intimate Image Sharing
        • Impacts and Fears of Victims
        • Motivations of Perpetrators
        • Reactions of Bystanders
      • Current Study
    • Methods
      • Respondents and Procedure
      • Measures
        • Demographic Characteristics
        • Extent and Nature of IBSA and Intimate Image Sharing
        • Impacts and Fears of Victims
        • Motivations of Perpetrators
        • Reactions of Bystanders
      • Analysis
    • Results
      • Extent and Nature of IBSA and Intimate Image Sharing
      • Impacts and Fears of Victims
      • Motivations of Perpetrators
      • Reactions of Bystanders
    • Discussion
      • Implications, Limitations, and Further Research
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 5: Cyberbullying: Its Social and Psychological Harms among Schoolers1
    • Literature Review
      • The Definitions of Cyberbullying
        • Cyberbullying Literature since the Mid-2000s
        • Social and Psychological Harm
        • Current Study
      • Methods
      • Dependent Variables
        • Psychological Harm
      • Independent Variables
        • Peer Support
      • Control Variables
        • Demographic Features
      • Analytical Strategies
      • Results
        • Social Harm
        • Psychological Harm
    • Discussions
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 6: Technology-Facilitated Crimes against Children: The Scope of the Problem and Interventions 
    • Defining Technology-Facilitated Crimes against Children
      • Scope and Dynamics of Technology-Facilitated Crimes against Children
        • Technology-Facilitated Child Sex Trafficking
        • Production and Distribution of Child Sex Abuse Images
      • Consequences for Victims of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Exploitation
    • Technology-facilitated Crimes against Children Offender Typology
      • Typology Based on Behaviors and Motivations of Offenders
      • Examining the Criteria Commonly Used in Offender Typologies
      • Other Typologies
    • Interventions for Technology-facilitated Crimes against Children
      • International Approaches
      • U.S. Approaches
      • Private Sector Approaches
    • Training to Support the Investigation and Prosecution of Technology-Facilitated Crimes against Children
      • Technology-facilitated Crimes against Children Training
      • Learning from Related Fields to Develop High-Quality Training Experiences
      • Training Topics
      • Approach to Training
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Part III: Systematic and Practical Challenges: Part III
  • Chapter 7: Controlling Minors: Extra-Legal Factors and the Decision to Use Force
    • Literature Review
      • Policing Juveniles
      • Explanations of Force
        • Individual
        • Situational
        • Contextual
    • Methodology
      • Dependent Variable
      • Independent Variables
      • Matching Variables
    • Analysis and Findings
    • Discussion and Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 8: Medicolegal Death Investigation Systems and the Challenges in Child Death Investigation in the United States
    • The History of Death Investigation
      • Origination of the Coroner System
      • Death Investigation in the New World
      • Death Investigation since the Nineteenth Century
    • The Establishment of Death Investigation Systems
      • Transitioning to Medical Examiner–based Systems
      • Challenges for Medical Examiner–based Systems
      • Forensic Pathologists
    • The Team Approach to Death Investigation
      • Death Investigation’s Role in the Legal System
      • The Family Physician after Death
    • Death Certification and Mortality Data
      • Causes and Manners of Death
      • The Utility of Death Certificates
      • Establishing Mortality Data
        • Electronic Reporting and ICD Coding
      • Research with Mortality Data
    • Additional Challenges to Quality Medicolegal Death Investigation
      • Forensic Pathology Training
      • Forensic Pathology Compensation
      • Inadequate Resources
        • Sophisticated Testing Platforms
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 9: International Approaches to Pediatric Medicolegal Death Investigation
    • Multidisciplinary Teams in Medicolegal Death Investigation
      • The MDT Approach
      • Components of a Pediatric MDT Medicolegal Death Investigation
      • Utilizing Standardized Investigative Tools
    • Child Death Review Teams
      • The Case Review Team
      • The Advisory Team
      • The Program Administration Team
      • Models of CDR Programs
        • Model 2: State and Local Review of Individual Cases and State and Local Response to Findings
        • Model 3: State-only Reviews of Individual Cases and State-level Responses to Findings
        • Model 4: Local-only Review of Individual Cases and Local Response to Findings
    • Medicolegal Death Investigation in Selected Countries
      • Canada
        • Ontario
      • United States
      • United Kingdom
      • Australia
        • New South Wales
        • Victoria
      • Caribbean
        • Jamaica
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Index
  • Contributors

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