
Title: Digital media and the dynamics of civil society: retooling citizenship in new EU democracies
Creators: Bakardjieva Maria
Other creators: Bengtsson Stina; Bolin Göran; Engelbrekt Kjell
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Digital media — Political aspects; Digital media — Social aspects; Civil society; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1277057095

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Table of Contents

  • Digital Media and the Dynamics of Civil Society
    • Contents
      • Acknowledgements
      • Box, Figures and Tables
      • Acronyms
      • Introduction
        • Civil Society and Civic Engagement
        • The Benefits of Comparative Research
        • Theoretical Toolbox
          • The Media Landscape as Environment for Civic Action
          • Social Imaginaries of Citizenship and Digital Media
          • Civic Culture, Space and Practice
        • A Note on Methodology
        • Chapter Outline
      • 1 Why Civil Society Again: The Return of an Intellectual Jedi
        • Civil Society’s Intellectual Career: A Rough Semantic Topology
        • Eastern Promises: The Winding Path of the Civil Society Concept in CEE
        • The NGO Boom: Imported versus Grassroots Civil Society
        • The Civic Imaginary
        • The Media in Civil Society
      • 2 Media Landscapes, Digital Infrastructure and Social Imaginary
        • Media Landscapes as Material and Symbolic Structures
        • The Material, Organizational and Symbolic Dimensions of the Media Landscape
        • The Bulgarian Media Landscape
        • The Estonian Media Landscape
        • Frameworks for CSOs
        • The Subjective Dimension of the Media Landscape
        • Points of Contrast
      • 3 Digital Media and the Variable Modes of Participation
        • Broader Media Cultures: TV, Radio and Press
        • The First-Level Digital Divide: Media Technologies and Generational Shifts
        • The Second-Level Digital Divide: Sites and Spaces of Digital Media
        • Participation in and through the Media: Digital Media and Everyday Practices
        • The Internet and Civic Engagement: Public Affairs and Political Issues
        • Civic Culture and the Digital Imaginary: A Third Digital Divide
      • 4 Digital Media and the Variable Modes of Civic Engagement
        • Bringing Activism Down to Earth
        • Methodology
        • Demographic Snapshot of the Engaged Citizens
          • The Regular Participants
          • The Occasional Participants
        • Online versus Offline Engagement
        • Civic Engagement and Media Use
        • The Civic Imaginary: Attitudes towards Democratic Institutions and CSOs
        • Distinct Civic Cultures and Subcultures
      • 5 Digital Media and the Meanings of Activism
        • Participation versus Transaction: Two Dimensions of Activism
        • Tapping into the Daily Life of Activism
        • NGOs, Digital Media and the Holy Grail of Participation
        • Scaffolding Lateral Transactions: Finding Allies, Building Networks
        • Bringing in the Grassroots: Civic Self-Organization
        • Polymedia Affordances for Citizenship
      • 6 Facing the Institutions: The Challenges of Transactional Activism
        • Transactions with the Mass Media: Reaching beyond the Choir
        • The Other Side of the Transaction Table
      • 7 Uncivil Society Digitized: Expanding Media Repertoires, Mainstreaming Illiberalism
        • The Evolving Debate on Civil Society under Communist Rule
        • Manifestations of Ethno-Nationalist Populism in CEE
        • Anti-Minority Civic Activism: Sustained Campaigning with a Narrow Media Repertoire
        • Anti-Refugee Civic Activism: Episodic Mobilization with an Expanded Media Repertoire
        • The Case of Bulgaria: Border Vigilantism Is Unleashed
        • Estonia: Xenophobia without Xeni
        • Final Reflections
      • Conclusion
        • Overcoming NGO-ization: Constructing Publics through Digital Advocacy
        • Self-Organized Citizen Groups: Digital Empowerment of the Grassroots
        • The Engagement Rainbow: Civic and Digital Imaginaries
        • The Landscape Perspective and the Sources of the Baton Paradigm
        • The Illiberal Bricolage: Uncivil Society and Its Digitization
        • The End of Weakness as We Know It?
      • Appendix A: Quantitative Methodology
      • Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire
      • Appendix C: Interview Guide
      • Appendix D: Interviewee Information
      • References
      • Notes
      • Index
      • About the Authors

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