
Title: New studies in the history and historiography of philosophy ;. Kant on Emotions: Critical Essays in the Contemporary Context. — 8.
Other creators: Angelucci Daniela; Borges Maria; Cvejić Igor; Failla Mariannina; Falcato Ana Cristina; Feloj Serena; González Ana Marta; Madrid Nuria Sánchez; Mendonça Dina; Sánchez Madrid Nuria; Teruel Pedro Jesús; Velasco Josefa Ros
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Empathie.; Kant, Immanuel.; Subjekt.; Werte.; PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern.; emotions.; subject.; values.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English; German
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: on1280945648

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Kant's account of emotions has only recently begun to receive the attention that this topic deserves, as it casts new light over the manifold features of transcendental philosophy. The authors expand the contemporary overview of the Kantian treatment from both a neuroscientific and a continental philosophical perspective. The volume opens paths to reevaluate neglected aspects of the Kantian model of human rationality.

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Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • List of abbreviations
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Expanded Horizons: Emotional Aspects of Reason
  • 2 Pleasures of Reflexion, Pleasures of Community?
  • 3 An Emotional Basis of Morality?
  • 4 Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 1 An Intriguing Footnote
  • 2 The Effect of an Active Yet Finite Reason
  • 3 Moral Feeling as principium executionis
  • 4 The Typic of Judgment: A Precondition for Moral Feeling
  • 5 Moral Cartography and Moral Compass
  • 6 Concluding Remarks
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Conjecture and Genesis
  • 2 Self-sustenance
  • 3 From Loving and Hoping to Purpose
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Introduction: An All-too-systematic View of Critical Philosophy
  • 2 Continuities and Discontinuities in Kant’s Critical Project
  • 3 Conclusion: The Way Beyond Language
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Fickle and Uncontrolled Affects
  • 2 Maxims of Passion and Evil
  • 3 Social Passions
  • 4 The Social Basis of Pure Evil
  • 5 Is Virtue Enough to Eradicate Evil?
  • 6 The Overcoming of Evil Through the Creation of an Ethical Community
  • 7 The Ineffectiveness of Political Institutions
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Kant’s Thoughts on Feelings of Pleasure and Displeasure
  • 2 Pleasure in Mere Reflection
  • 3 Problems in Understanding How a Form of an Object is Beautiful
  • of Pleasure in Mere Reflection
  • 4 Intentionality
  • 5 Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Aesthetic Normativity: Between Norm and Ideal
  • 2 A Non-prescriptive Necessity: The Aesthetic
  • should”
  • 3 A Subjective Requirement: From Normativity to Regulativity
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Enemies
  • Aware of the catastrophe”
  • 2
  • 3 Recognition Fails, Action is Suspended
  • 4 The Sublime and the Crystal
  • Bibliography
  • emotion”: Addressing the Problem
  • 1 Etymology of
  • 2 (Un)healthy Emotions, Passion and Reason
  • 3 Propensity, Fragility and Neuroscience
  • 4 Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Kant in Recent Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
  • 2 Kant and Emotions
  • 3 A Novel Kantian Hypothesis: Resting as Calibration for Emotional Mediate Control
  • 4 Concluding Remarks
  • Bibliography
  • 1 Again, Boredom
  • 2 Neuroscience and Boredom
  • 3 Kantian Philosophy—Anthropology of Boredom
  • 4 Kant, Again
  • Bibliography
  • Index of Names
  • Index of Subjects

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