
Title: Mastering Defensive Security: Effective Techniques to Secure Your Windows, Linux, IoT, and Cloud Infrastructure.
Creators: Bravo Cesar.; Kitchen Darren.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Computer security.; Information technology — Security measures.; Computer Security; Sécurité informatique.; Technologie de l'information — Sécurité — Mesures.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • Foreword
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Mastering Defensive Security Concepts
  • Chapter 1: A Refresher on Defensive Security Concepts
    • Technical requirements
    • Deep dive into the core of cybersecurity
      • The cybersecurity triad
      • Types of attacks
    • Managing cybersecurity's legendary pain point: Passwords
      • Password breaches
      • Social engineering attacks using compromised passwords
      • Brute-force attacks
      • Dictionary attacks
      • Creating a secure password
      • Managing passwords at the enterprise level
      • Bonus track
    • Mastering defense in depth
      • Factors to consider when creating DiD models
      • Asset identification
      • Defense by layers
      • Bonus track
    • Comparing the blue and red teams
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2: Managing Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Risks
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats
      • Performing a vulnerability assessment
      • The vulnerability assessment process
      • When should you check for vulnerabilities?
      • Types of vulnerabilities
      • USB HID vulnerabilities
      • Types of USB HID attacks
      • A false sense of security
      • Protecting against USB HID attacks
    • Managing cybersecurity risks
      • Risk identification
      • Risk assessment
      • Risk response
      • Risk monitoring
    • The NIST Cybersecurity Framework
      • Identify
      • Protect
      • Detect
      • Respond
      • Recover
    • Creating an effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
      • Creating a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
      • Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
    • Implementing a best-in-class DRP
      • Creating a DRP
      • Implementing the DRP
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3: Comprehending Policies, Procedures, Compliance, and Audits
    • Creating world-class cybersecurity policies and procedures
      • Cybersecurity policies
      • Cybersecurity procedures
      • The CUDSE method
    • Understanding and achieving compliance
      • Types of regulations
      • Achieving compliance
    • Exploring, creating, and managing audits
      • Internal cybersecurity audits
      • External cybersecurity audits
      • Data management during audits
      • Types of cybersecurity audit
      • What triggers an audit?
    • Applying a CMM
      • The goals of a CMM
      • Characteristics of a good CMM
      • The structure of a good CMM
      • Analyzing the results
      • Advantages of a CMM
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 4: Patching Layer 8
    • Understanding layer 8 – the insider threat
      • The inadvertent user
      • The malicious insider
      • How do you spot a malicious insider?
      • Protecting your infrastructure against malicious insiders
    • Mastering the art of social engineering
      • The social engineering cycle
      • Social engineering techniques
      • Types of social engineering attacks
    • Defending against social engineering attacks (patching layer 8)
      • Creating your training strategy
      • Admin rights
      • Implementing a strong BYOD policy
      • Performing random social engineering campaigns
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 5: Cybersecurity Technologies and Tools
    • Technical requirements
    • Advanced wireless tools for cybersecurity
      • Defending from wireless attacks
    • Pentesting tools and methods
      • Metasploit framework
      • Social engineering toolkit
      • exe2hex
    • Applying forensics tools and methods
      • Dealing with evidence
      • Forensic tools
      • Recovering deleted files
    • Dealing with APTs
      • Defensive techniques
    • Leveraging security threat intelligence
      • Threat intelligence 101
      • Implementing threat intelligence
    • Converting a threat into a solution
      • The problem
      • The solution
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Section 2: Applying Defensive Security
  • Chapter 6: Securing Windows Infrastructures
    • Technical requirements
    • Applying Windows hardening
      • Hardening by the infrastructure team
      • Creating a hardening checklist
    • Creating a patching strategy
      • The complexity of patching
      • Distribution of tasks (patching roles and assignments)
      • Distribution and deployment of patches
      • Types of patches
    • Applying security to AD
      • Secure administrative hosts
      • Windows Server Security documentation
    • Mastering endpoint security
      • Windows updates
      • Why move to Windows 10?
      • Physical security
      • Antivirus solutions
      • Windows Defender Firewall
      • Application control
      • URL filtering
      • Spam filtering
      • Client-facing systems
      • Backups
      • Users
      • Securing the data
    • Leveraging encryption
      • Configuring BitLocker
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Hardening a Unix Server
    • Technical requirements
    • Securing Unix services
      • Defining the purpose of the server
      • Secure startup configuration
      • Managing services
    • Applying secure file permissions
      • Understanding ownership and permissions
      • Default permissions
      • Permissions in directories (folders)
      • Changing default permissions with umask
      • Permissions hierarchy
      • Comparing directory permissions
      • Changing permissions and ownership of a single file
      • Useful commands to search for unwanted permissions
    • Enhancing the protection of the server by improving your access controls
      • Viewing ACLs
      • Managing ACLs
      • Default ACL on directories
      • Removing ACLs
      • Enhanced access controls
    • Configuring host-based firewalls
      • Understanding iptables
      • Configuring iptables
      • SSH brute-force protection with iptables
      • Protecting from port scanning with iptables
    • Advanced management of logs
      • Leveraging the logs
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 8: Enhancing Your Network Defensive Skills
    • Technical requirements
    • Using the master tool of network mapping – Nmap
      • Phases of a cyber attack
      • Nmap
      • Nmap scripts
    • Improving the protection of wireless networks
      • Wireless network vulnerabilities
      • User's safety guide for wireless networks
    • Introducing Wireshark
      • Finding users using insecure protocols
      • FTP, HTTP, and other unencrypted traffic
      • Wireshark for defensive security
    • Working with IPS/IDS
      • What is an IDS?
      • What is an IPS?
      • Free IDS/IPS
      • IPS versus IDS
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Deep Diving into Physical Security
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding physical security and associated threats
      • The powerful LAN Turtle
      • The stealthy Plunder Bug LAN Tap
      • The dangerous Packet Squirrel
      • The portable Shark Jack
      • The amazing Screen Crab
      • The advanced Key Croc
      • USB threats
      • Equipment theft
      • Environmental risks
    • Physical security mechanisms
    • Mastering physical security
      • Clean desk policy
      • Physical security audits
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 10: Applying IoT Security
    • Understanding the Internet of Things
      • The risks
      • The vulnerabilities
    • Understanding IoT networking technologies
      • LoRaWAN
      • Zigbee
      • Sigfox
      • Bluetooth
      • Security considerations
    • Improving IoT security
    • Creating cybersecurity hardware using IoT-enabled devices
      • Raspberry Pi firewall and intrusion detection system
      • Defensive security systems for industrial control systems (SCADA)
      • Secure USB-to-USB copy machine
      • Creating a $10 honeypot
      • Advanced monitoring of web apps and networks
      • Creating an internet ad blocker
      • Access control and physical security systems
    • Bonus track – Understanding the danger of unauthorized IoT devices
      • Detecting unauthorized IoT devices
      • Detecting a Raspberry Pi
      • Disabling rogue Raspberry Pi devices
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 11: Secure Development and Deployment on the Cloud
    • Technical requirements
    • Secure deployment and implementation of cloud applications
      • Security by cloud models
      • Data security in the cloud
    • Securing Kubernetes and APIs
      • Cloud-native security
      • Controlling access to the Kubernetes API
      • Controlling access to kubelet
      • Preventing containers from loading unwanted kernel modules
      • Restricting access to etcd
      • Avoiding the use of alpha or beta features in production
      • Third-party integrations
    • Hardening database services
    • Testing your cloud security
      • Azure Security Center
      • Amazon CloudWatch
      • AppDynamics
      • Nessus vulnerability scanner
      • InsightVM
      • Intruder
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 12: Mastering Web App Security
    • Technical requirements
    • Gathering intelligence about your site/web application
      • Importance of public data gathering
      • Open Source Intelligence
      • Hosting information
      • Checking data exposure with Google hacking (dorks)
    • Leveraging DVWA
      • Installing DVWA on Kali Linux
    • Overviewing the most common attacks on web applications
      • Exploring XSS attacks
    • Using Burp Suite
      • Burp Suite versions
      • Setting up Burp Suite on Kali
    • SQL injection attack on DVWA
      • Fixing a common error
    • Brute forcing web applications' passwords
      • Analyzing the results
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Section 3: Deep Dive into Defensive Security
  • Chapter 13: Vulnerability Assessment Tools
    • Technical requirements
    • Dealing with vulnerabilities
      • Who should be looking for vulnerabilities?
      • Bug bounty programs
      • Internal vulnerabilities
      • Vulnerability testing tools
    • Using a vulnerability assessment scanner (OpenVAS)
      • Authenticated tests
      • Installing OpenVAS
      • Using OpenVAS
      • Updating your feeds
    • Overview of Nexpose Community
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 14: Malware Analysis
    • Technical requirements
    • Why should I analyze malware?
      • Malware functionality
      • Malware objectives
      • Malware connections
      • Malware backdoors
      • Affected systems
    • Types and categories of malware analysis
      • Static malware analysis
      • Dynamic malware analysis
      • Hybrid malware analysis
      • Static properties analysis
      • Interactive behavior analysis
      • Fully automated analysis
      • Manual code reversing
    • Best malware analysis tools
      • Process Explorer
      • Process Monitor
      • ProcDOT
      • Ghidra
      • PeStudio
    • Performing malware analysis
      • Security measurements
      • Executing the analysis
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 15: Leveraging Pentesting for Defensive Security
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding the importance of logs
      • Log files
      • Log management
      • The importance of logs
    • Knowing your enemy's best friend – Metasploit
      • Metasploit
      • Metasploit editions
      • Installing Armitage
      • Configuring Metasploit for the first time
      • Installing Armitage (continued)
      • Exploring Armitage
      • Launching an attack with Armitage
      • Executing Metasploit
    • Other offensive hacking tools
      • Searchsploit
      • sqlmap
      • Weevely
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 16: Practicing Forensics
    • Introduction to digital forensics
      • Forensics to recover deleted or missing data
    • Digital forensics on defensive security
      • Who should be in charge of digital forensics?
      • The digital forensics process
    • Forensics platforms
      • CAINE
      • SIFT Workstation
      • PALADIN
    • Finding evidence
      • Sources of data
    • Mobile forensics
      • Deviceless forensics
      • Important data sources on mobile devices
      • Transporting mobile devices
    • Managing the evidence (from a legal perspective)
      • ISO 27037
      • Digital Evidence Policies and Procedures Manual
      • FBI's Digital Evidence Policy Guide
      • Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory
      • US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 17: Achieving Automation of Security Tools
    • Why bother with automation?
      • Benefits of automation
      • The risks of ignoring automation
    • Types of automated attacks
      • Account aggregation
      • Account creation
      • Ad fraud
      • CAPTCHA defeat
      • Card cracking
      • Carding
      • Cashing out
      • Credential cracking
      • Credential stuffing
      • Denial of inventory
      • DoS
      • Expediting
      • Fingerprinting
      • Footprinting
      • Scalping
      • Sniping
      • Scraping
      • Skewing
      • Spamming
      • Token cracking
      • Vulnerability scanning
    • Automation of cybersecurity tools using Python
      • Local file search
      • Basic forensics
      • Web scraping
      • Network security automation
    • Cybersecurity automation with the Raspberry Pi
      • Automating threat intelligence gathering with a Fail2ban honeypot on a Raspberry Pi
      • Automated internet monitoring system with the Raspberry Pi
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 18: The Master's Compilation of Useful Resources
    • Free cybersecurity templates
      • Business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan templates
      • Risk management
      • Design and management of cybersecurity policies and procedures
    • Must-have web resources
      • Cyber threat or digital attack maps
      • Cybersecurity certifications
      • Cybersecurity news and blogs
      • Cybersecurity tools
      • Password-related tools
    • Industry-leading best practices
      • Regulations and standards
      • Cybersecurity frameworks, standards, and more
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • About Packt
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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