
Title: Unearthing Fermi's geophysics: based on Enrico Fermi's geophysics lectures of 1941
Creators: Segrè Gino
Other creators: Stack John ((Physicist),); Fermi Enrico
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Geophysics.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Fermi’s Notes
    • 1.2 Plan of the Book
  • 2. Gravity and the Earth
    • 2.1 The Earth’s Gravity
    • 2.2 Earth’s Gravitational Potential
    • 2.3 Pressure at the Center of the Earth
    • 2.4 The Moments of Inertia of the Earth
    • 2.5 Motions of the Earth’s Axis
    • 2.6 Equinoxes and Solstices
    • 2.7 Precession of the Equinoxes
    • 2.8 Free Rotational Motion
  • 3. Heat and the Atmosphere
    • 3.1 First Law of Thermodynamics
    • 3.2 State Variables
    • 3.3 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • 3.4 Ideal Gas
    • 3.5 Chemical Potential
    • 3.6 The Boundary between Phases
    • 3.7 Moist Air
    • 3.8 Atmospheric Composition and Temperature
    • 3.9 Temperature vs. Altitude
    • 3.10 The Upper Atmosphere
  • 4. Atmospheric Loss
    • 4.1 Maxwell Distribution
    • 4.2 Escape Velocity
    • 4.3 Lifetime of Atmosphere
    • 4.4 Magnitude of Particle Losses
    • 4.5 Helium
    • 4.6 Speed of Sound
  • 5. Liquid Drop Physics
    • 5.1 Vapor Pressure and Raindrops
    • 5.2 Liquid Drops Affect Vapor Pressure
    • 5.3 Properties of Falling Raindrops
  • 6. Coriolis Effects
    • 6.1 The Coriolis Force
    • 6.2 Coriolis Effects in the Atmosphere
    • 6.3 Hurricanes
  • 7. Radiation at the Surface
    • 7.1 Surface of the Earth
    • 7.2 Crust of the Earth
    • 7.3 Composition of the Oceans
    • 7.4 Surface Temperature Equilibrium
    • 7.5 Black Body Radiation
    • 7.6 Planck’s Formula
    • 7.7 Special Cases
  • 8. Ocean Properties
    • 8.1 Heat Current
    • 8.2 The Heat Equation
    • 8.3 Diurnal Temperature Variation
    • 8.4 Temperature of Seawater
    • 8.5 Ocean Circulation
  • 9. Gravity Waves
    • 9.1 Dispersion Relations
    • 9.2 Euler’s Equation
    • 9.3 Small Amplitude Surface Waves
  • 10. Tide Physics
    • 10.1 Effects of the Moon
    • 10.2 The Tidal Potential
    • 10.3 Water-Covered Earth
    • 10.4 Time Dependence of Tides
    • 10.5 Tides on Lakes and Seas
  • 11. Earthquake Properties
  • 12. Seismic Waves
    • 12.1 Elementary Seismographs
    • 12.2 Seismic Waves
    • 12.3 Strain and the Strain Tensor
    • 12.4 Stress and the Stress Tensor
    • 12.5 Hooke’s Law
    • 12.6 Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio
    • 12.7 Stress and Strain
    • 12.8 Newton’s Law in a Solid
    • 12.9 The Equation of Motion for Displacement
    • 12.10 Longitudinal and Transverse
    • 12.11 Snell’s Law for Elastic Waves
  • 13. Surface Seismic Waves
    • 13.1 Surface Waves
    • 13.2 Oscillations of the Earth
    • 13.3 Breather Mode
  • 14. Radioactivity
    • 14.1 Historical Note
    • 14.2 The Sixth Washington Conference
    • 14.3 The Earth’s Density
    • 14.4 Estimates of the Age of the Earth
    • 14.5 Radioactive Decay Equation
    • 14.6 Radioactivity within the Earth
    • 14.7 Uranium Decays
    • 14.8 Radioactive Dating
  • 15. Heat Flow in the Earth
    • 15.1 Surface Heat Variations
    • 15.2 Heat at the Earth’s Surface
    • 15.3 Scales in Heat Conduction
    • 15.4 Heat Equilibrium
  • 16. Earth Magnetism
    • 16.1 Units
    • 16.2 Magnetic Moments
    • 16.3 Magnetic Field of the Earth
    • 16.4 Earth Magnetization
    • 16.5 Rotation of Charges
    • 16.6 Currents inside the Earth
    • 16.7 Magnetosphere
    • 16.8 Magnetic Storms
    • 16.9 Magnetic Potential Expansion
  • 17. Atmospheric Electricity
    • 17.1 Overview
    • 17.2 Properties of the Electrosphere
    • 17.3 Water Drops in an Electric Field
  • 18. Atmospheric Plasma
    • 18.1 Ions in the High Atmosphere
    • 18.2 Atmospheric Radio Waves
    • 18.3 Other Effects
    • 18.4 Double Refraction
  • Afterword
  • Appendix A. Earth Days
  • Appendix B. Torque on the Earth
  • Appendix C. Rayleigh Waves
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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