
Title: Communication, globalization, and cultural identity. Communication theory and application in post-socialist contexts
Other creators: Minielli Maureen C.,; Lukacovic Marta N.,; Samoilenko Sergei A.,; Finch Michael R.,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Communication; Mass media; Médias; Communication.; Mass media.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"Communication Theory and Application in Post-Socialist Contexts serves as a resource for anyone on the quest of diversifying and globalizing communication studies. It captures significant communication tendencies in several post-socialist countries and situates these tendencies within communication theory and application in a wide array of areas"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Series Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
    • Scholar, Mentor, Colleague, Friend
  • Introduction
    • The Role of This Book
    • Recommendations on the Approaches to Reading This Book
    • Chapter Overview
    • References
  • Part I: Communication Theory and Application Trends in the Post-Soviet Space
  • Chapter 1: Reflections on the Development of Intercultural Communication in Russia
    • Intellectual Roots
    • Linguopersonology
    • Linguistic Conceptology
    • The Research of Different Spheres and Aspects of Intercultural Communication
    • Material and Methodology
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 2: Grassroots Science Communication in Russia
    • Media Systems and Science Communication
      • Russian Media System in the Global Media Landscape
      • The Unique Path of the Russian Media System
      • Features of the Russian Media System
    • Case Studies
      • Biomolecula
      • Science Slam
      • SciOne
    • Several Unifying Features of the Russian Grassroots Science Communication Projects
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Urban Communication and Media in Russia
    • Urban Communication Research
    • Urban Communication Research in Russia
    • Digital Urban Media in Russia
    • Online Municipal Service “The Active Citizen”
    • Grassroots Digital Museum “Basmania”
    • Local Communities on Social Media
    • Conclusions and Implications
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 4: Workplace Documentation in Post-Soviet Belarus and Russia: Insights for Organizational Communication
    • Introduction
    • Organizational Culture, Bureaucracy, and Workplace Documentation
    • Methodology
      • Participants
      • Instruments
    • Results
      • Demographics
        • Belarus, 2000–2016 (41 Respondents)
        • The Soviet Union (Russia), 1960–1990 (15 Respondents)
        • Russia, 2000–2016 (25 Respondents)
      • Exposure to Organizational Documentation and Document Production
      • Most Common Addressees for Organizational Documentations
      • Documentation Registration and Storage
      • Use of Documentation in Decision-Making
      • Prevalent Genres in the Studied Groups
    • Discussion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 5: Ricoeurian Rhetorical Analysis of the Ukrainian Film Julia Blue: A Picture of Non-Western (Nonlinear) Identity
    • Description of Rhetorical Artifact
    • Methodology
    • Philosophical Framework and Definition of Terms
      • Description of Artifact
      • Dialogical Tensions
        • New Ukraine and Old Ukraine
        • Dialogic Setting
        • War and Peace
        • Transcendent and Material
        • Dialogic Plot/Action
    • Conclusion
      • Dialectic Nonlinearity as Characteristic of Ukrainian Cultural Identity in Film
    • References
  • Part II: Communication Theory and Application Trends in Central Eastern Europe
  • Chapter 6: Transitioning from Communist Propaganda to Government Communication in the Czech Republic
    • Introduction
    • Propaganda versus Government Communication
    • The Development of Government Communication in the Czech Republic
      • The Communist Period (1949–1989)
      • The Democratization Period (since 1989)
    • Contemporary Government Communication
    • Conclusions and Implications
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 7: Slovakia as a Convenient “Laboratory” to Extend the Theory of Securitized Framing: The Case of Far Right’s Frame Shifting between Euroskepticism and Europhilia
    • Review of Literature
    • Case Study: Framing Analysis
      • Slovakia’s Far Right
      • European Integration
      • Euroskepticism, Nationalism, and the Far Right
      • Approach of the Analysis
      • LSNS’s Internet Media Framing in 2013
        • Problem Definition, Attribution of Causes, and Moral Evaluations
        • Securitization and Solution Recommendations
        • Fractured Euroskepticism
      • LSNS’ Internet Media Framing in 2019 and 2020
        • Problem Definition, Attribution of Causes, and Moral Evaluations
        • Solution Recommendations
        • Securitizing Shift’s Dissemination to Other Media Frames
        • Toward Theory Implications
    • Discussion
      • Cultural Congruence
      • Strategic Political Framing
      • Party Media as Ideological “Pump Valves”
      • Interactivity and UGC
      • Additional Considerations
    • Conclusion
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 8: The Past, the Memory, and the Polish Media: Collective Memory as an Object of Manipulation
    • Collective Memory Definitions and Methodological Approaches
      • Historical Importance of Collective Memory
      • Theoretical Perspectives toward Collective Memory
      • The Community of Memory
      • Past, Memory, and Media
      • Keystones of Past and Privileged Memory Visions
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • Part III: Accounts of Trends in Academic Publishing on Communication
  • Chapter 9: Central European Journal of Communication: Knowledge Share Community
    • Foundation, Mission, and Structure
      • Our History: West Meets East
      • Our Values and Goals
      • Our Team
      • Indexing and Abstracting
    • Contribution to Communication Theory and Media Studies
      • Scientific Papers
      • Methods and Concepts
      • Interviews
      • Book Reviews
      • Conference Reports
    • Contribution to Central and Eastern European Research Communities
      • Supporting CEE Research
      • Partnership Relations and Community Events
      • Online Communities
    • Conclusions
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 10: Russian Journal of Communication: Reflections on the First Decade
    • Purpose
    • Objectives
    • Literature Review
    • Analysis
    • Findings
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 11: Publishing a Communication Textbook for Russian Students
    • Background
    • A Pedagogical Problem to Be Solved
    • Conceptualizing a Communication Textbook
    • Challenges in Publication
    • Concluding Reflections
    • References
  • Part IV: Applications of Communication Theory and Research to Pedagogy
  • Chapter 12: Intercultural Communication Pedagogy in Lithuania: Listening to Viewpoints
    • Review of Literature
    • Analysis
    • Findings
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 13: Teaching Communication in Russia and Kazakhstan: An International Scholar’s Perspective
    • Background
    • Establishing and Managing an Open Relationship in the Classroom
    • Building a Dialogic and Collaborative Teaching-Learning Environment
    • Teaching a Constitutive Approach to Communication: Conceptual Challenges and Achievements
    • Addressing Culture
      • Recognizing “Culture Presence” in the Classroom
      • Personal Boundaries for Cultural Adaptability: To Fit or Not to Fit
    • Conclusion
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 14: Interpersonal Communication and Perception Differences between Russia and the United States: Changes since 2009?
    • Current Study
      • Method
      • Results
        • Where Do They Get Their Information?
        • Media Story
        • Perceptions of Other
        • Perceptions of Own Country
        • Perceived Differences in Business Practice
        • Anticipate Working with the Other Culture
        • How Comfortable Are They Working with Each Other?
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Conclusion
    • Building Theory through Applied Research and Case Studies
    • Academic Publications as Dialogic Platforms in Post-Socialist Contexts and the World Beyond
    • Teaching Communication in and about the Post-Socialist Region
    • The Future of Communication Theory and Research in the Post-Socialist Contexts
    • Closing Remarks and Future Directions
    • References
  • Index
  • About the Editors and Contributing Authors

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