
Title: Turkish-Qatari relations: from past to present in a turbulent geopolitical landscape
Creators: Pala Özgür
Other creators: Al-Jaber Khalid
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Geopolitics; EBSCO eBooks
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File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • List of Tables
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • Studies on Dynamics of Turkish-Qatari Relations: From Past to Present
    • Why This Book
    • Questions This Book Tries to Answer
    • Scope of This Book
    • Theoretical Framework: Practical Geopolitical Reasoning
    • Outline of the Book
    • Notes
  • Chapter 1: A Brief History of Ottoman-Qatari Relations
    • Introduction
    • Return of the Ottomans to the Gulf
    • The Ottomans in Qatar and Relations between the Sublime Porte and Sheikh Jassim
    • Ottoman Administrative Reforms in Qatar
    • The Ottoman-British Rivalry and the Emergence of the State of Qatar
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 2: Evolving Dynamics of Turkish Foreign Policy toward the Arab Middle East (1923–1980)
    • Historical Background
    • Main Drivers of Turkish-Middle Eastern Arab Relations
      • Security Concerns
        • The Nakba (1948)
        • Nasserism (1954–1970)
        • The Algerian War of Independence (1954–1962)
        • The Egyptian-Israeli Peace (1979)
        • The Iranian Revolution (1979)
      • Economic Concerns
    • Conclusion
    • Note
  • Chapter 3: Evolving Dynamics of Turkish-Gulf Arab Relations (1980–2002)
    • Introduction
    • Main Drivers of Turkish-Gulf Arab Relations
    • Foreign Policy Orientations
      • Relations with Israel
    • Economic Concerns
    • Security Concerns
      • The Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988)
      • Formation of the GCC in 1981
      • The Gulf Crisis and Gulf War I (1990–1991)
      • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Gulf War II (2001–2003)
    • Conclusion
    • Note
  • Chapter 4: Place of Identity and Interests in the Evolution of the Turkish-Qatari Relations (2002–2013)
    • Introduction
    • Further Background: Turkey-Qatar Relations from 1970s to 2000s
    • Identity and Interests as Foreign Policy Dynamics
    • Leadership
    • Identity Politics
    • Interests
      • Security interests
      • Economic interests
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
  • Chapter 5: Regional Dynamics of Turkey-Qatar Relations: Foreign Policy Approaches, Tools, and Convergences (2002–2011)
    • Foreign Policy Approaches and Tools
    • Regional Dynamics of Turkish-Qatari Relations
    • Turkish Foreign Policy Approach and Tools
    • Qatari Foreign Policy Approach and Tools
    • Analysis of Foreign Policy Approaches and Tools
    • Converging Political Positions
    • Support for Hamas: Beginnings of a Foreign Policy Convergence
    • Gaza: Putting Foreign Policy Approaches into Practice
    • Lebanon: Mediating through a Sectarian Conflict
    • The Iranian Nuclear Program
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
  • Chapter 6: Regional Dynamics Continued: Arab Spring, Changing Regional Dynamics, Geopolitical Aspirations, and the Turkish-Qatari Political Alignment (2011–2016)
    • Turkey and Qatar in a New Geopolitical Reality
    • Arab Spring: Changing Regional Dynamics and the Turkish-Qatari Political Alignment
    • Syria: Setting the Stage
    • Syrian Quagmire: Converging Geopolitical Goals
    • Search for a Diplomatic Solution and Geopolitical Reasoning
    • Aggravation of the Conflict and Depiction of Assad Regime as the Enemy
    • Egypt: Turkish-Qatari Motivation to Cooperate with Muslim Brotherhood
    • Egypt: A Major Setback
    • Tunisia and Libya: Varying Degrees of Turkish-Qatari Cooperation
    • Conclusion
    • Note
  • Chapter 7: Qatari Blockade: From Political Alignment to Strategic Partners (2017–2022)
    • Introduction
    • Origins of a Crisis
    • International Reactions to the Gulf Crisis
    • Turkish Reaction to the Blockade
    • From Political Alignment to Strategic Partnership
    • Expanding Financial and Economic Cooperation
    • The Blockade and the Turkish-Saudi Relations
    • The Blockade and the Turkish-Emirati Relations: Intensifying Rivalry
    • Libya: Another Scene of Fierce Competition
    • Coup or not Coup: Reversing of Democratic Gains in Tunisia?
    • The Horn of Africa: Another Front?
    • End of a Blockade: From Hostility to Rapprochement?
    • Conclusion
    • Note
  • Conclusion
    • Relations in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
    • Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey toward the Middle East
    • Forging Closer Relations: Arab Spring and Turkish-Qatari Political Alignment
    • A Special Relationship: Turkish-Qatari Strategic Partnership
    • Future Outlook of Turkish-Qatari Relations: Potential for Further Growth and Drawbacks
    • Rising Stars Again
    • Precious Loneliness and Isolation Continued
    • End of Strategic Partnership
    • Note
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Authors

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