
Title: Handbook of optical constants of solids
Other creators: Palik Edward D.
Imprint: Burlington: Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, 1997
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Твердые тела — Оптические исследования
UDC: 539.21:535(035)
Document type: Other
File type: Other
Language: English
Rights: Доступ из локальной сети ФБ СПбПУ (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: RU\SPSTU\edoc\52559

Allowed Actions: View


This set of five volumes, four volumes edited by Edward D. Palik and a volume by Gorachand Ghosh, is a unique resource for any science and technology library. It provides materials researchers and optical device designers with reference facts in a context not available anywhere else. The singular functionality of the set derives from the unique format for the three core volumes that comprise the Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids. The Handbook satisfies several essential needs: first, it affords the most comprehensive database of the refractive index and extinction (or loss) coefficient of technically important and scientifically interesting dielectrics. This data has been critically selected and evaluated by authorities on each material. Second, the dielectric constant database is supplemented by tutorial chapters covering the basics of dielectric theory and reviews of experimental techniques for each wavelength region and material characteristic. As an additional resource, two of the tutorial chapters summarize the relevant characteristics of each of the materials in the database.The data in the core volumes have been collected and analyzed over a period of twelve years, with the most recent completed in 1997. The Handbook of Thermo-Optic Coefficients of Optical Materials with Applications collects refractive index measurements and their temperature dependence for a large number of crystals and glasses.

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