
Title Основы химической технологии переработки углеводородов: учебное пособие
Creators Емельянычева Е. А.
Imprint Москва: Проспект Науки, 2018
Collection ЭБС "КОНСУЛЬТАНТ СТУДЕНТА"; Общая коллекция
Subjects Химия
UDC 54
Document type Tutorial
File type HTML
Language Russian
Rights Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение)
Record key book2fISBN9785906109750
Record create date 12/14/2021

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The Study Guide presents the basics of chemical engineering of hydrocarbon processing with examples and tasks for student self-directed learning. The Study Guide is the second revised edition of "Chemical Engineering of Natural Fuels and Carbon Materials".

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