
Persons (users) can get access to resources of ELibrary of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (ELIB) on condition he/she accepts the offer requirements of the agreement, makes payment for the ELIB platform use and does not violate the usage rules.

The following resources are NOT AVAILABLE outside the university:

Please, follow the steps described below:

  1. Study the offer conditions.
  2. If you agree with the offer conditions, mark the check-box.
  3. Make a payment after filling the necessary fields.
  4. Send a copy of the payment receipt to Email:
  5. Get user from the message send to Email that you noted in the payment fields.
  6. Use login/password to acees ELIB resources. If you violate the usage rules your account will be blocked with no return of payment.

You can address future questions to Email:

Full offer conditions (in Russian)

The offer conditions:

  1. The user makes the full payment equal to 10000 Russian Rubles before receiving login/password for ELIB access.
  2. Correctness of the fields’ indication and payment processing is full user responsibility.
  3. The user is committed to:
    • process correctly the payment;
    • use resources only for his/her personal research and educational needs, for no profit purposes, without distributing ELIB resources to others in any form;
    • keep the login/password safely, without imparting it to others.
  4. University is committed to provide access to ELIB resources, available for external personal users.
  5. University has a right to change the ELIB content and the access rules according to its own policy.
  6. University is not responsible for any inconveniences with access to ELIB, caused by networking and client device problems, as well as for mistakes during the payment process.