Избранная библиография

Предлагаемая библиография охватывает все основные темы, связанные с оценкой качества сервисов университетских библиотек, в течение последних 20 лет. Она включает также некоторые публикации до 1976 года и те статьи, посвященные работе публичных библиотек, которые авторы посчитали важными в свете рассматриваемых в Руководстве проблем.

Руководства и справочники

The Effective Academic Library: A Framework for Evaluating the Performance of UK Academic Libraries / A Consultative Report to the HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI by the Joint Funding Councils' Ad Hoc Group on Performance Indicators for Libraries. - London, 1995.
ISO / CD 11620.2: 1995. Information and Documentation - Library Performance Indicators.
Keys to Success: Performance Indicators for Public Libraries / A Manual of Performance Measures and Indicators Developed by King Research Ltd. - London: HMSO, 1990. - (Library Information Series ; 18).
Library Performance Indicators: Client Safisfaction; Document Delivery; Availability of Soudht Materials/ Council of Australian University Librarians. - Richmond: CAVAL Ltd, 1995 (three floppy disks).
Nick Moor. Measuring the Performance of Public Libraries / Prepared by Nick Moore for the General Information Programme and UNISIST. - Paris: UNESCO, 1989.
Output Measures for Public Libraries: A Manual of Standardized Procedures / Prepared for the Public Library Development Project by Nancy A. VanHouse, Mary Jo Lynch, Charles R. McClure, Douglas L. Zweizig, Eleanor Jo Rodger. - 2nd ed. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1987.
Performance Indicators for University Libraries: A Practical Guide / Standing Committee of National and University Libraries: Advisory Committee on Performance Indicators . - London: Sconul, 1992.
John Sumsion. Practical Performance Indicators. - 1992: Documenting the Citizens'Charter Consultation for U.K. Public Libraries with Examples of Pis and Surveys in Use. - Loughborough: Library and Information Statistics Unit, 1993. - (LISU Occassional Paper ; No. 5).
John Sumsion, Suzanne Ward. Performance Indicators and Library Management Models. - Office of the European Communities, 1995 (EUR 16448EN).
Nancy A. VanHouse, Beth T. Well, Charles R. McClure. Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach. - Chicago: American Libr. Assoc., 1990.


John Aanonson. A Comparison of Keyword Subject Searching on Six British University Opacs // Online Review. – 1987. – 11. – p. 303 - 313.
Christine Abboth. Performance Indicators in a Quality Context // Law Librarian. 1994. – 25. – p. 205 – 208.
Christine Abboth. Performance Measurement in Library and Information Services. - London: Aslib, 1994.
Christine Abboth. What Does Good Look Like?: The Adoption of Performance Indicators at Aston University Library and Information Services // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1990. – 5. – p. 79 – 94.
Academic Library Management: Edited Papers of a British Council Sponsored Course, 15 - 27 January 1989, Birmingham / Ed. by Maurice B. Line. - London: Library Association, 1990.
W. Agular. The Application of Relative Use and Interlibrary Demand in Collection Development // Collection Development. – 1986. – 8. –p. 15 – 24.
Ann Allar, Kathy J. Reynolds. Problems: A Model for Analysis and Resolution // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1983. – 9. – p. 83 – 88.
Noreen S. Alldredge. The Preparation of Guidelines for Evaluating Performance of Vendors for In-printMonographs // Issues in Acquisitions: Programms and Evaluation / Ed. by Sul H. Lee. - Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1984. – p. 1-10.
John Alread. The Evaluation of Academic Library Services// Management Issues in Academic Libraries: Proceedings of the Joint Annual Study Conference, Chester, 1-4 April 1985. - London, 1986. – p. 22 – 31.
Donna Alsbury. Vendor Performance Evaluation as a Model for Evaluating Acquisitions //Acquisitions Librarian. – 1991. – 6. –p. 93 – 103.
E. Altman. A Data Gathering and Instructional Manual for Performance Measures in Public Libraries. - Chicago: Celadon Press, 1976.
Ellen Altman. Reflections on Performance Measures Fifteen Years Later // Library Performance, Accountability and Responsiveness: Essays in Honor of Ernest R. DeProspo / Ed. By Charles C.Curran and F. William Summers. - Norwood, N. J.: Ablex, 1990. – p. 1 – 16.
American Library Association. Collection Management and Development Committee and the Acquisitions Committee, Resource Section, Resources and Technical Services Division: Guide to Performance Evaluation of Library Materials Vendors. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1988. - (Acquisitions guidelines; 5)
Judy Andersson. Have Users Changed Their Style? A Survey of CD-ROM vs. OPAC Product Usage // RQ. – 1995. –34. – p. 362 – 368.
William Andersson. Evolution of Library and Information Services for Special Groups: The Role of Performance Review and the Use // INSPEL. – 1991. – 25. –p. 37 – 46.
Melvon L. Ankeny. Evaluating End-user Services: Success or Satisfaction? // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1991. – 16. – p. 352 – 356.
Lisa J. Aren, Susan J. Webreck. Costing Library Operations - A Bibliography // Collection Building. – 1987. – 8. – p. 23 – 28.
Anthony J. Arthur. Collection Management: An Australian Project // Australian Academic and Research Libraries. – 1986. – 17. – p. 29 – 38.
Lee Ash. Old Dog; No Tricks: Perceptions of the Qualitative Analysis of Book Collections // Library Trends. – 1985. – 33. – p. 385 – 395.
Henric Aslund. Oppeltider/Service: Rapport fran biblioleksundersfikniiigeii vid Slockholms universitelsbibliotek den 14-20 november 1994. - Stockholm: Universitetsbibliotek, 1994.
Mary Auckland. Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries: Report on a Workshop held by the Section of University Libraries and other General Research Libraries at the 55th IFLA Council and General Conference in Paris, August 1989 // Outlook on Research Libraries. – 1989. –11. – p. 3 – 6.
William H. Axford. Performance Measurement Revisited //: College and Research Libraries. – 1973. – 34. – p. 249 – 257.
Harry Bach. Scientific Literature Use: A Survey // Special Libraries. – 1957. – 48.–p. 466.
Bill Bailey. The "55 Percent Rule" Revisited // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1987. – 13. – p. 280 – 281.
Sharon L. Baker. Problem Solving through Experimental Research: The Need for Better Controls // Library Trends. – 1989. – 38. – p. 204 – 214.
Domenica M. Barbuto, Elena E. Cevallos. The Delivery of Reference Services in a CD-ROM LAN Environ­ment: A Case Study // RQ. – 1994. – 34. – p. 60 – 76.
Josehp W. Barker. Random Vendor Assignment in Vendor Performance Evaluation // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1986. – 10. – p. 265 – 280.
Aiala Barr, Herbert S. Sichel.> A Bivariate Model to Predict Library Circulation // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. – 1991. – 42. – p. 546 – 553.
Deboragh K. Barreau. Using Performance Measures to Implement an Online Catalog // Library Resources and Technical Services. – 1992. – 32. – p. 312 – 322.
Susanne Baumann. An Application of Davis' "Model for a Vendor Study" // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1984. – 8. –p. 83 – 90.
Susanne Baumann. An Extended Application ofDavis' "Model for a Vendor Study" // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1985. – 9. – p. 317 – 329.
W.J.Baumol. M. Marcus. Economics of Academic Libraries. - Washington, D.C.: American Council of Education, 1973.
David Bawden. User-oriented Evaluation of Information Systems and Services. - Aldershot: Gowcr, 1990. – 209p.
William L. Beck, Mashal Nolf. The Process and Value of Self-study in a Medium-sized University Library // College and Research Libraries. – 1992. – 53. –p. 150 – 162.
Jamshid Behesti, Jean Tague. Morse's Markov Model of Book Use Revisited // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. – 1984. – 35. – p. 259 – 267.
R. Beniam, R. R. Powell. Success in Answering Reference Questions: Two Studies. - Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1987.
B. C. Bennion, S. Karchamroon. Multivariate Regression Models for Estimating Journal Usefulness in Physics // Journal of Documentation. – 1984. – 40. –p. 217 – 227.
Doug R. Berdie, John F. Andersson, Marcha A. Niebuhr. Questionnaires: Design and Use. - 2nd ed. -Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1986.
Marilyn Berger, Jane Davin. Serials Evaluation: An Innovative Approach // Special Libraries. – 1990. – 81. – p. 183 – 188.
Dimity S. Berkner. Communication between Vendors and Librarians: The Bookseller's Point of View // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1979. – 3. – p. 85 – 90.
Linda H. Bertland. Circulation Analysis as a Tool for Collection Development // School Library Media Quarterly. – 1991. – 19. –p. 90 – 97.
Betriebsvergleich an Offentlichen Bibliotein: ein Zwischenbericht aus dem Projekt der Bertelsmann Stiftung/ (verantw.: Bettina Windau). - Giitersloh: Verl. Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1994.
D. A. Betts, R. Hargrave. How Many Books? - Bradford: MCB Publications, 1982.
Vaughar P. Birbeck, Kenneth A. Whittaker. Room for Improvement: An Unobtrusive Testing of British Public Library Reference Service // Public Library Journal. – 1987. – 2. – p. 55 – 60.
Helle Bjarho. Cost Finding and Performance Measures in ILL Management // Interlending and Document Supply. – 1994. – 22. – p. 8 – 11.
John Blagden, J. Harrington. How Good Is Your Library?: A Review of Approaches to the Evaluation of Library and Information Services. - London: ASLIB, 1990.
John Blagden. Performance Assessment - The How and the What // Do We Really Need Libraries?: Proceedings of the First Joint Library Association Cranfield Institute of Technology Conference on Performance Assessment / Ed. by John Blagden. -Cranfield, 1983. – p. 1 – 8.
John Blagden. Some Thoughts on Use and Users // IATUL Quarterly. – 1988. – 2. –p. 125 – 134.
R.N.Bland. The College Textbook as a Tool for Collection Evaluation, Analysis, and Retrospective Collection Development // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1980. – 4. – p. 193 – 197.
Ian Bloor. "Keys to Success": A User's Guide // Public Library Journal.– 1990. – 4. – p. 133 – 144.
Ian Bloor. Performance Indicators and Decision Support Systems for Libraries: A Practical Application of "Keys to Success". - London: British Library, 1991 . - (British Library Research Paper; 93).
Peter te Boekhorst. Leistungsmessung in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken: Neue Initiativeii // Nachrichten fur Dokumentation. – 1995. – 46. – p. 121 – 126.
Peter te Boekhorst. Measuring Quality: The IFLA Guidelines for Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries //IFLA Journal. – 1995. – 21. – p. 278 – 281.
Peter te Boekhorst. Methoden der Leistungsmessung in Bibliotheken: die DurchfiihrungeinerVerfiigbarkeits-studio an der UB Miinster // Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis. – 1992. – 16. – p. 153 – 161.
Peter te Boekhorst, Rosvitha Poll. Beschaffungsgeschwindigkeit: Leistungsmessung auf dcm Gebiet der Erwerbung // Bibliotheken, Service fur die Zukuuft / 5. Dt. BibliothekskongreC, 83. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Leipzig 1993. Hartwig Lohse (Ed.). - Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann, 1994. - (Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographic: Sonderheft ; 58). – p. 123 – 137.
M.R. Bommer. The Development of a Management System for Effective Decision Making and Planning in a University Library. - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, 1973.
George S. Bonn. Evaluation of the Collection // Library Trends. – 1973. – 22. – p. 265 – 304.
Abraham Bookstein, A. Lindsay. Questionnaire Ambiguity: A Rasch Scaling Model Analysis // Library Trends. – 1989. – 38. – p. 215 – 236.
Abraham Bookstein. Questionnaire Research in a Library Setting // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1985. – 11. – p. 24 – 28.
Abraham Bookstein. Sources of Error in Library Questionnaires // Library Research. – 1982. – 4. – p. 85 – 94.
C. Borkowsky, M.J. Macleod. The Implications of Some Recent Studies of Library Use // Scholarly Publishing. – 1979. – 11. – p. 3 – 24.
F.E. Bosman, M.A.H. Ongerong, H.P.A.Smith . Observeren en registrercn: Evaluatieonderzoek naar OPC3 // Open. – 1993. – 25. – p. 352 – 356.
C.P.Bourne, J. Robinson. SDI Citation Checking as a Measure of the Performance of Library Document Delivery Systems. - Berkeley, Cal,: University of California at Berkeley, Institute of Library Research, 1973.
James K. Bracken, John C. Calhoun. Profiling Vendor Performance // Library Resources and Technical Services. – 1984. – 28. – p. 120 – 128.
Y.M. Braunstein . Costs and Benefits of Library Information: The User Point of View //Library Trends. – 1979. –28. – p. 79 – 87.
Lynne Brindley. Performance Measurement: Can You Manage without It? Summing up // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1989. – 4. – p. 121 – 126.
Lynne J. Brindley. Library Development Plans: A Case Study; Aston University Library and Information Services // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1990. – 5. – p. 155 – 158.
William A. Britten, Judith D. Webster. Comparing Characteristics of Highly Circulated Titles for Demand-driven Collection Development In: College and Research Libraries. – 1992. – 53. – p. 239 – 248.
Elaine Broadbent. A Study of the Use of the Subject Catalog, Marriott Library, University of Utah // Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. – 1984. – 4. – p. 75 – 83.
Robert N. Broadus. Use Studies of Library Collections // Library Resources and Technical Services. – 1980. – 24. – p. 317 – 324.
B. C. Brookes. Obsolescence of Special Library Periodicals: Sampling Errors and Utility Contours // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. – 1970. – 21. – p. 320 – 329.
B. C. Brookes. The Growth, Utility, and Obsolescence of Scientific Periodical Literature // Journal of Documentation. – 1970. – 26. – p. 283 – 294.
Peter Brophy. Management Information and Decision Support Systems in Libraries. - Aldershot: Gower, 1986.
Peter Brophy. The Mission of the Academic Library // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1991. – 6. – p. 135 – 147.
Peter Brophy. Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries: A Polytechnic Perspective // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1989. – 4. – p. 99 – 110.
Peter Brophy and Kate Coulling. Quality Management for Information and Library Managers. - Aldershot:Gower, 1996.
J. Broude. Journal Selection in an Academic Environment: A Comparison of Faculty and Librarian Choices // Serials Librarian. – 1978. – 3. – p. 147 – 166.
Barry Brown. Triage Assessment and Management Measures for Access Services // Collection Management. – 1992. – 17. – p. 217 – 235.
Janet Dagenais Brown. Using Quality Concepts to Improve Reference Services // College and Research Libraries. – 1994. – 55. – p. 211 – 219.
L.C.B.Brown. Vendor Evaluation // Collection Management. – 1995. – 19. – p. 47 – 56.
Charles W. Brownson. A Method for Evaluating Vendor Performance // Acquisitions Librarian. – 1991. – 5- p. 37 – 51.
Philip Bryant. Performance Measures for National Bibliographic Services // Alexandria. – 1989. – 1. – p. 27 – 35.
Harald Buch, Peter te Boekhorst. Benutzerzufriedenheit: Umfrage in der Universitat- und Landesbibliothek Munster // Bibliotheksdienst. – 1996. – 30. – (to be published).
Michael K. Buckland. Book Availability and the Library User. - New York: Pergamon, 1975.
Michael K. Buckland, A. Hindle. Loan Policies, Duplication and Availability // Planning Library Services; Proceedings of a Research Seminar Held at the University of Lancaster 9-11 July 1969 / Ed. by A. G. Mackenzie and I. M. Stuart. - Lancaster, 1969. – p. 1 – 16.
Michael K. Buckland. Methodological Problems in Assessing the Overlap Between Bibliographic Files and Library Holdings // Information Processing and Management. – 1975. – 11. – p. 89 – 105.
Michael K. Buckland. An Operations Research Study of a Variable Loan and Duplication Policy at the University of Lancaster // Library Quarterly. – 1972. – 42. – p. 97 – 106.
Michael K. Buckland. Systems Analysis of a University Library. - Lancaster: University of Lancaster Library, 1970.
Stephen Bulick, K. Leon Montgomery, John Fetterman, Allen Kent. Use of Library Materials in Terms of Age // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. – 1976. – 27. – p. 175 –178.
C. A. Bunge. Professional Education and Reference Efficiency. Springfield, Ill.: Illinois State Library, 1967.
Gerda Burgers. Vertrouwen in de bibliotheek als informatiebron?: kwalitcit van inlichtingenwerk // Bibliotheek en Samenleving. – 1990. – 18. – p. 89 – 90.
R. W. Burns. Library Performance Measures as Seen in the Descriptive Statistics Generated by a Computer Managed Circulation System. - S.I., 1975.
R. L. Burr. Evaluating Library Collections: A Case Study // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1979. – 5. – p. 256 – 260.
Paul F. Burton, Andrew M. Hawkins. Accuracy of Information Provision: The Need for Client-centred Service // Journal of Librarianship. – 1990. – 22. – p. 201 – 215.
Peter A. Burton. Attitudes to an Online Public Access Catalogue in an Academic Library // Library Management. – 1993. – 14. – p. 13 – 15.
Stase Busmiene. Report about the Investigation "General Library Use and Facilities" and Interpretation of Its Results // Library Management Development Project. 3rd Report - Preliminary. - Stockholm: Universitetsbibliotek, 1995. – p. 1 – 18.
M. L. Buzzard, D. E. New. An Investigation of Collection Support for Doctoral Research // College and Research Libraries. – 1983. – 44. – p. 469 – 475.
G. D. Byrd. Collection Development Using Interlibrary Loan Borrowing and Acquisitions Statistics // Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. – 1982. – 70. – p. 1 – 9.
Philip J. Calvert. Library Effectiveness: The Search for a Social Context // Journal of Librarianship and Information Sciences. – 1994. – 26. – p. 15 – 21.
Philip J. Calvert, Rowena Cullen. The New Zealand Public Libraries Effectiveness Study and tlie New Zealand University Libraries Effectiveness Study // Australian Academic and Research Libraries. – 1995. – 26. – p. 97 – 106.
Brenda Cameron-Miller. Planning for Success: Document Workflow in the Circulation Department // Collection Management. – 1992. – 17. – p. 167-175.
Pierre Carbon. The Committee Draft of International Standard ISO CD 11620 on Library Performance Indicators // IFLA Journal. – 1995. – 21. – p. 274 – 277.
Pierre Carbon. Survey of the Development of Library Performance Measures in France // INSPEL. – 1993. – 27. – p. 196 – 198.
Colette Caron, Lise Wilson. L'Evaluation de 1'Efficacite de la Bibliothcque de College: Une Approche Systematique // Documentation et Bibliotheques. – 1978. – 24. – p. 137 – 140.
Catalog Use Study / Ed. by V. Mostecky. - Chicago, 111.: American Library Association, 1958.
Centre for Interfirm Comparisons. Inter-library Comparisons in Academic Libraries. - London: British Library, 1984. - (British Library Research and Development Reports; 5763).
Rosemary N. Chacha, Ann Irving. An Experiment in Academic Library Performance Measurement // British Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1991. – 6. – p. 13 – 26.
Carol E. Chamberlain. Evaluating Acquisitions Service: New Concepts and Changing Perceptions // Acquisitions Librarian. – 1991. – 6. – p. 71 – 82.
Carol E. Chamberlain. Evaluating Library Acquisitions Service // Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science / Ed. Alien Kent. - Vol. 56, Suppl. 19. - New York: Dekker, 1995. – p.118 – 126.
Amy Chang. Quality Access Services: Maximizing and Managing // Collection Management. – 1992. – 17. – p. 63 – 75.
C. C. Chen. The Use Patterns of Physics Journals in a Large Academic Research Library // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. - 1972. – 23. – p. 254 – 270.
Steven S. Cheweh. User Criteria for Evaluation of Library Service // Journal of Library Administration. – 1981. – 2. – p. 35 – 46.
Thomas Childers, Nancy A. Vanhouse. Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness // Library and Information Science Research. - 1989. – 11. – p. 273 – 301.
Thomas Childers. Do Library Systems Make a Difference? // Library Performance, Accountability and Responsiveness: Essays in Honor of Ernest R, DeProspo / Ed. by Charles C. Curran and F. William Summers. - Norwood, 1990. – p. 42 – 52.
Thomas Childers. The Effectiveness of Information Service in Public Libraries: Suffolk County // Library Journal. - 1980. – 15. – p. 924 – 928.
Thomas Childers. Evaluative Research in the Library and Information Field // Library Trends. – 1989. – 38. – p. 250 – 267.
Thomas Childers. Managing the Quality of Reference/Information Service // Library Quarterly. – 1972. – 42. – p. 212 – 217.
Thomas Childers, Nancy A. Vanhouse. The Public Library Effectiveness Study: Final Report. - Washington, D. C.: Department of Education, 1989.
Thomas Childers. The Quality of Reference: Still Moot after 20 Years // Journal of Academic Librarianship. – 1987. – 13. – p. 73 - 74.
John O. Christensen, Larry D. Benson, H. Julene Butler, Blaine H. Hall, Don H. Howard. All Evaluation of Reference Desk Service // College and Research Libraries. – 1989. – 50. – p. 468 – 482.
Anne C. Ciliberti, Mary F. Casserly, Judith L. Hegg, Eugene S. Mitchell. Material Availability: A Study of Academic Library Performance // College and Research Libraries. – 1987. – 48. – p. 513 – 527.
H. R. Citron, J. B. Dodd. Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery Considerations in a Special Academic Library: Georgia Institute of Technology // Science and Technology Libraries. – 1984. – 5. – p. 1-14.
V. W. Clapp, R. T. Jordan. Quantitative Criteria for Adequacy of Academic Library Collections // College and Research Libraries. – 1965. – 26. – p. 371 – 380.
Mae M. Clark. Evaluation of Searching In: Acquisitions Librarian. – 1991. – 6. – p. 131 – 147.
P M. Clark. A Study to Refine and Test New Measures for Library Service and Train Library Personnel in Their Use. - New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers, the State University, Bureau of Library and Information Science Research, 1976.
Jan Clee, Ruth Maguire. Library Environment and Library Usage // Library Management. – 1993. – 14. – p. 6 – 8.
J. S. Cloustan. How Much is Enough? Establishing a Corridor of Adequacy in Library Acquisitions // Collection Management. – 1995. – 19. – p. 57 – 75
Robert P. Coale. Evaluation of a Research Library Collection: Latin-American Colonial History at the Newberry // Library Quarterly. – 1965. – 35. – p. 173 – 184.
Lucy R. Cohen. Conducting Performance Evaluations // Library Trends. – 1989. – 38. –p. 40 – 52.
C. Comer. List-checking as a Method for Evaluating Library Collections // Collection Building. – 1981. – 3. – p. 26 – 34.
W. S. Cooper. Expected Search Length: A Single Measure of Retrieval Effectiveness Based on the Weak Ordering Action of Retrieval Systems // American Documentation. – 1968. – 19. – p. 30 – 41.
Catherine Cope. Performance Measurement in Libraries 1988-1990. - Loughborough: Loughborough University Library and Information Statistics Unit, 1990.
Herve Corvellec. Evaluation des Performances des Bibliotheques: Tendances, Faiblesses ct Perspectives // Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France. – 1990. – 35. – p. 356 – 365.
Andre Cossette. Evaluation de 1'Efficacite de la Bibliotheque: Analyse des Etudes Majeures // Documentation et Bibliotheques. – 1978. – 24. – p. 115 – 128.
Costing and the Economics of Library and Information Services / Ed. by S. A. Roberts. - London: ASLIB, 1984.
Michael Cotta-Schonberg, Maurice B. Line. Evaluation of Academic Libraries: With Special Reference to the Copenhagen Business School Library // Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. – 1994. – 26. – p. 55 – 69.
Council of Federal Libraries. Performance Measurement in Federal Libraries: A Handbook. - Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1979.
S. A. Cramer. Management for Change in British University Libraries // Libri. – 1977. – 27. – p. 68 – 83.
Gregory A. Crawford. A Conjoint Analysis of Reference Services in Academic Libraries // College and Research Libraries. – 1994. – 55. – p. 257 – 267.
John C. Crawford. OPAC Satisfaction Survey, Glasgow Polytechnic, 10-14 February, 1992 // COPOL Newsletter. – 1993. – 61. – p. 49 – 56.
John C. Crawford, Linda C. Thom, John A. Powles. A Survey of Subject Access to Academic Library Catalogues in Great Britain // Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. – 1993. – 25. – p. 85 – 93.
Blaise Cronin. Performance Measurement and Information Management // ASLIB Proceedings. – 1982. – 34. – p. 227 – 236.
Blaise Cronin. Taking the Measure of Service In: ASLIB Proceedings. - 1982. – 34. – p. 273 – 294.
Mary J. Cronin. Performance Measurement for Public Services in Academic and Research Libraries. -Washington, D.C.: Office of Management Studies. Association of Research Libraries, 1985. - (Occasional Paper ;9).
Anita Crotty. Why Bother with Evaluation? // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1994. – 18. – p. 51 – 56.
T. Crowley. Half-right Reference: Is it true? // RQ. – 1985. – 25. – p. 59 – 68.
T. Crowley, Thomas Guilders. Information Service in Public Libraries: Two Studies. - Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971.
T. Crowley. Referred Reference Question: How Well Are They Answered // Evaluation of Reference Services / Ed. by W. Katz und R. A. Fraley. - New York, 1984. – p. 83 – 93.
Lean-Louis Cliché, Diacon Loic. Etudes d'usages et d'usagers: un example en Suisse Roniande // ARBIDO-Revue. – 1989. – 4. – p. 79 – 83.
Rowena Cullen, Philip J. Calvert. Further Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness: Report on a Parallel New Zealand Study // Library and Information Science Research. – 1993. – 15. – p. 143 – 164.
K. J. Daiute, K. A. Gorman. Library Operations Research. - Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1974.
Gwenda M. Dalton. Quantitative Approach to User Satisfaction in Reference Service Evaluation // Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Biblioteek- en Inligtingkunde. – 1992. – 60. – p. 89 – 103.
Annette Davies, Ian Kirkpatrick. To Measure Service // Library Association Record. – 1994. – 96. – p. 88 – 89.
Mary Byrd Davis. Model for a Vendor Study in a Manual or Semi-automated Acquisitions System // Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. – 1979. – 3. – p. 53 – 60.
Abby Day. Performance Indicators: The Librarian's Challenge // Library Management. – 1990. – 11. – p. 24 – 28.
Mike Day, Don Revill. Towards the Active Collection: The Use of Circulation Analyses in Collection Evaluation // Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. – 1995. – 27. – p. 149 – 157.
Ernest R. De Prospo. Performance Measures for Public Libraries. - Chicago: Public Library Association, 1973.
George D'Ella, S. Walsh. Patrons' Uses and Evaluations of Library Services: A Comparison across Five Public Libraries // Library and Information Science Research. – 1985. – 7.– p. 3 – 30.
George D'Ella. Materials Availability Fill Rates - Useful Measures of Library Performance? // Public Libraries. – 1985. – 24. – p. 106 – 110.
John N. Depew. An Acquisitions Decision Model for Academic Libraries // Journal of the American Society for Information Science. – 1975. – 26. – p. 237 – 246.
Ralf Depping. Die availability study als Instrument bibliothekarischer Leistungsmessung // Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis. – 1994. – 18. – p. 20 – 40.
Ralf Depping. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen des Leistungsverglcichs zwischen deutschen Universitatsbibliothcken // Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis. - 1994. – 18. – p. 312 – 322.
Rene Deriez, Elisabeth Lebarbanchon. Le Circuit du Livre dans les Bibliotheques Universitaires: evaluation des Taches // Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France. – 1993. – 38. – p. 50 – 54.
Rene Deriez, Thierry Glappiconi. Analyser et Comparer les Couts de Catalogage // Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France. – 1994. – 39. – p. 28 – 33.
Mary Jo Detweiler. Availability of Materials in Public Libraries // Library Effectiveness: a State of the Art. - Chicago, 1980. – p. 75 – 83.
Mary Jo Detweiler. Planning - More than Progress // Library Journal. – 1983. – 1. – p. 23 – 26.
J. Dickson. An Analysis of User Errors in Searching an Online Catalog // Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. – 1978. – 4. – p. 19 – 38.
Ernest A. Dimattia, Jr. Total Quality Management and Servicing Users through Remote Access Technology // The Electronic Library. – 1993. – 11. – p. 187 – 192.
J. L. Divilbiss, P. C. Self. Work Analysis by Simple Random Sampling // Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. – 1978. – 66. – p. 19 – 23.
Donna L. Doelling. Blueprint for Performance Assessment // Medical Reference Services Quarterly. – 1993. – 12. – p. 29 – 38.
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