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Название: Инженерно-строительный журнал: специализированный научный журнал. — № 8 (92)
Выходные сведения: Санкт-Петербург: СПбПУ, 2019
Коллекция: Общая коллекция
Тематика: Строительство; Сопротивление материалов; Строительная механика; Строительные материалы
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Язык: Русский; Английский
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  • title92
  • реклама1
  • 01
    • Algorithm for shear flows in arbitrary cross-sections of thin-walled bars
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Problem formulation
        • 2.2. Distribution of shear forces flows along closed contours of an arbitrary cross-section of thin-walled bar
          • 2.2.1. Construction of connected graph Ɠ associated with a section of a thin-walled bar
          • 2.2.2. Resolving equations relating to distribution of shear forces flows taken along closed contours for an arbitrary section of a thin-walled bar
        • 2.3. Resolving equations for an arbitrary cross-section of a thin-walled bar
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Software implementation
        • 3.2. Example 1: open thin-walled cross-section
        • 3.3. Example 2: open-closed multi-contour thin-walled cross-section
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Алгоритм определения потоков касательных усилий для произвольных сечений тонкостенных стержней
  • 02
    • Thermophysical properties of the soil massif
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Теплофизические свойства массива грунта
  • 03
    • Strength and microstructure of alkali-activated natural pozzolan and limestone powder mortar
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
        • 2.1. Materials and reagents
          • 2.1.1. Natural pozzolan and limestone powder waste
          • 2.1.2. Synthesis of alkali activator
          • 2.1.3. Aggregates
        • 2.2. Experimental program
          • 2.2.1. Mix design
          • 2.2.2. Sample preparation, mixing, placing and curing
        • 2.3. Evaluation methods
          • 2.3.1. Setting time and workability
          • 2.3.2. Compressive strength
          • 2.3.3. Microstructural characterization of the specimens
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Effect of LSPW on workability alkaline-activated NP
        • 3.2. Effect of LSPW on setting time of alkaline-activated NP
        • 3.3. Effect of LSPW on compressive strength of alkaline-activated NP
        • 3.4. Effect of limestone powder on microstructures and bonds of alkali-activated mortar
        • 3.5. Effect of NP on microstructures and bonds of alkali-activated mortar
        • 3.6. Effect of NP/LSPW on reaction product, bond characteristic and microstructures of alkali-activation AANL mortar
      • 4. Conclusions
      • 5. Acknowledgements
  • 04
    • Bending and torsion behaviour of CFRP strengthened RC beams
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Experimental Work Review
        • 2.2. Description of Non-linear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA)
        • 2.3. Investigated Parameters
        • 2.4. Validation Process
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Load-Deflection and Torsion-Twist Behavior
        • 3.2. Ductility and Strength ratios
        • 3.3. CFRP strain
        • 3.4. Failure Mode
        • 3.5 . Effect of the clear span to depth ratio
        • 3.6. Effect of CFRP length
        • 3.7. Effect of the CFRP Depth and CFRP Strip Spacing
        • 3.8. Comparison of NLFEA with other results
      • 4. Conclusions
  • 05
    • Increasing the heat transfer efficiency of sectional radiators in building heating systems
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusion
      • 5. Acknowledgments
    • Повышение эффективности теплопередачи секционных радиаторов в системах теплоснабжения зданий
  • 06
    • CFD simulation of the convective flows in the vertical caverns
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
        • 2.1. Mathematical model of flow in vertical heated cavern
        • 2.2. Numerical simulation of flow in vertical heated cavern
      • 3. Results and Discussions
        • 3.1. Results
        • 3.2. Discussion
      • 4. Conclusion
  • 07
    • Timber frame buildings with efficient junction designs for earthquake-prone areas
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Method
      • 3. Results and Discussions
      • 4. Conclusion
    • Деревянные здания каркасного типа с эффективными конструкциями узловых соединений для сейсмически активных районов
  • 08
    • Сlinkerless slag-silica binder: hydration process and hardening kinetics
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods0F1
      • 3. Results
      • 4. Discussion
      • 5. Conclusions
      • 6. Acknowledgement
    • Бесклинкерное шлако-кремнеземистое вяжущее: параметры структурообразования и кинетика твердения
  • 09
    • CO2 curing of hydrated lime modified pervious concretes
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Materials
        • 2.2. Mix designs
        • 2.3. Experiments
        • 2.4. Carbonation curing of the specimens
      • 3. Results and discussion
        • 3.1. Compressive strength
        • 3.2 Tensile strength
        • 3.3. Void content
        • 3.4. Water Permeability
        • 3.5. CO2 absorption capacity (COAC)
      • 4. Conclusion
      • 5. Acknowledgments
  • 10
    • Road organo-mineral mixtures based on oil sludge
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussions
      • 4. Conclusion
    • Дорожные органоминеральные смеси на основе нефтяного шлама
  • 11
    • Stress-strain state of a glass panel with adhesive point fixings
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Physical model
        • 2.2. Boundary conditions
        • 2.3. Applied load
        • 2.4. Ultimate Limit State
        • 2.5. Serviceability Limit State
      • 3. Results
        • 3.1. Load distribution
        • 3.2. Modification of the number of point fixtures
        • 3.3. Modification of the thickness of the panel
        • 3.4. Modification of the value of fixture edge distance
        • 3.5. Choice of the most optimal structural scheme of façade panel
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Напряженно-деформированное состояние панели из стекла с точечным клеевым креплением
  • 12
    • Effects of model-based design and loading on responses of base-isolated structures
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Defining Governing Equations
        • 2.2. RK4M Technique
        • 2.3. SMD Technique
        • 2.4. Numerical case study
      • 3. Results and Discussions
        • 3.1. Differences Between RK4M and SMD for the Resulting Responses of Structure
        • 3.2. Differences in TI for RK4M and SMD Methods
        • 3.3. Effect of Earthquake Nature on the Resulting Responses
      • 4. Conclusion
  • 13
    • Failure simulation of a RC multi-storey building frame with prestressed girders
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Моделирование разрушения железобетонного каркаса многоэтажного здания с предварительно напряженными ригелями
  • 14
    • Mechanical and electrical properties of concrete modified by carbon nanoparticles
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusion
      • 5. Acknowledgements
    • Механические и электрические свойства бетона, модифицированного углеродными наночастицами
  • реклама2
  • оборот
  • index.pdf
    • Содержание
    • E-mail: mce@spbstu.ru
    • Web: http://www.engstroy.spbstu.ru
    • Contents


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