
Title: Tropical root and tuber crops: cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids. — Second edition.
Creators: Lebot Vincent
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Root crops; Tuber crops; Tropical crops.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Tropical Root and Tuber Crops Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Preface
  • Section I Cassava
  • 1 Origin and History
    • Domestication
    • Discovery of the Crop by Western Explorers
    • Present Geographical Distribution
  • 2 Taxonomy and Botany
    • Classification
    • Morphological Description of M . esculenta Crantz
    • Related Species
    • Cytology
  • 3 Breeding and Genetics
    • Objectives and Selection Criteria
    • Sexual Reproduction and Sterility
    • Crossing Techniques and True Seed Production
    • Selection Methods and Programmes
    • Heritability of Major Traits
    • Genotype × Environment Interactions
    • Use of Related Species
    • Polyploidy Breeding
    • Use of Molecular Markers
    • Transgenic Technologies
    • Germplasm Conservation
  • 4 Developmental Physiology
    • Growth Cycle
      • Phase 1. Sprouting
      • Phase 2. Leaf and root system development
      • Phase 3. Canopy establishment
      • Phase 4. High carbohydrate translocation
      • Phase 5. End of vegetative growth
    • Photoperiodism
    • Temperature
    • Nutrition
    • Water Deficit and Stress
    • Climate Change Adaptation
  • 5 Agronomy
    • Seed Systems and Propagule Selection
    • Soil Preparation
    • Plant Densities and Crop Establishment
    • Intercropping
    • Weeding
    • Fertilization and Nutrient Disorders
    • Harvesting
  • 6 Pests and Diseases
    • Pests
      • Mites
      • Mealybugs
      • Whiteflies
      • Lepidoptera (hornworms, stem borers, burrower bugs, lace bugs)
      • Thrips
    • Nematodes
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Viruses
      • Cassava common mosaic disease (CsCMD)
      • Cassava vein mosaic disease (CVMD)
      • Cassava frogskin disease (CFSD)
      • Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in Africa
      • Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in India
      • Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD)
    • Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • 7 Postharvest Quality and Marketing
    • Chemical Composition
    • Physiological Disorders in Freshly Stored Roots
    • Marketing and Quality Standards
    • Storage Methods
    • Traditional Processing Techniques
    • Industrial Processing
  • Section II Sweet Potato
  • 8 Origin and History
    • Domestication
    • Discovery of the Crop by Western Explorers
    • Present Geographical Distribution
  • 9 Taxonomy and Botany
    • Classification
    • Morphological Description of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
    • Related Species
    • Cytology
  • 10 Breeding and Genetics
    • Objectives and Selection Criteria
    • Sexual Reproduction, Incompatibility and Sterility
    • Crossing Techniques and True Seed Production
    • Selection Methods and Programmes
    • Heritability of Major Traits
    • Genotype × Environment (G × E) Interactions
    • Use of Related Species
    • Use of Molecular Markers
    • Transgenic Technologies
    • Germplasm Conservation
  • 11 Developmental Physiology
    • Growth Cycle
      • The initial phase
      • The intermediate phase
      • The final phase
      • The regeneration phase
    • Photoperiodism
    • Temperature
    • Nutrition
    • Water Deficit and Stress
    • Climate Change Adaptation
  • 12 Agronomy
    • Seed Systems and Propagule Selection
    • Soil Preparation
    • Plant Densities and Crop Establishment
    • Intercropping
    • Weeding
    • Fertilization and Nutrient Disorders
    • Harvesting
  • 13 Pests and Diseases
    • Pests
    • Nematodes
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Viruses
    • Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • 14 Postharvest Quality and Marketing
    • Chemical Composition
    • Physiological Disorders in Freshly Stored Roots
    • Marketing and Quality Standards
    • Storage Methods
    • Traditional Processing Techniques
    • Industrial Processing
  • Section III Yams
  • 15 Origin and History
    • Domestication
    • Discovery of the Crop by Western Explorers
    • Present Geographical Distribution
  • 16 Taxonomy and Botany
    • Classification
    • Morphological Description of Major Cultivated Dioscorea spp.
      • D . alata L. (Enantiophyllum) ( Fig. 16.1a, b, Fig. 16.2a, b)
      • D . bulbifera L. (Opsophyton) ( Fig. 16.3a, b, Fig. 16.4a, b, c)
      • D . cayenensis Lam. (Enantiophyllum) ( Fig. 16.5, Fig. 16.6)
      • D . rotundata Poir. (Enantiophyllum)
      • D . dumetorum (Kunth) Pax (Enantiophyllum)
      • D . esculenta (Lour.) Burkill (Combilium) ( Fig. 16.7a, b, c)
      • D . japonica Thunb. (Enantiophyllum)
      • D . oppositifolia L. (Enantiophyllum)
      • D . nummularia Lam. (Enantiophyllum) ( Fig. 16.8a, b, Fig. 16.9, Fig. 16.10)
      • D . pentaphylla L. (Lasiophyton) ( Fig. 16.11a, b)
      • D . transversa R. Br. (Enantiophyllum)
      • D . trifida L. (Macrogynodium) ( Fig. 16.12)
    • Related Species
    • Cytology
  • 17 Breeding and Genetics
    • Objectives and Selection Criteria
    • Sexual Reproduction and Sterility
    • Crossing Techniques and True Seed Production
    • Selection Methods and Programmes
    • Heritability of Major Traits
    • Genotype × Environment (G × E) Interactions
    • Use of Related Species
    • Polyploidy Breeding
    • Use of Molecular Markers
    • Transgenic Technologies
    • Germplasm Conservation
  • 18 Developmental Physiology
    • Growth Cycle
      • Phase one: tuber germination
      • Phase two: foliage development
      • Phase three: tuber bulking
      • Phase four: foliage senescence
      • Phase five: dormancy
    • Photoperiodism
    • Temperature
    • Nutrition
    • Water Deficit and Stress
    • Climate Change Adaptation
  • 19 Agronomy
    • Seed Systems and Propagule Selection
    • Soil Preparation
    • Plant Densities and Crop Establishment
    • Intercropping
    • Weeding
    • Fertilization and Nutrient Disorders
    • Harvesting
  • 20 Pests and Diseases
    • Pests
    • Nematodes
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Viruses
    • Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • 21 Postharvest Quality and Marketing
    • Chemical Composition
    • Physiological Disorders in Freshly Stored Tubers
    • Marketing and Quality Standards
    • Storage Methods
    • Traditional Processing Techniques
    • Industrial Processing
  • Section IV Aroids
  • 22 Origin and History
    • Domestication
    • Discovery of the Crop by Western Explorers
    • Present Geographical Distribution
  • 23 Taxonomy and Botany
    • Classification
    • Morphological Descriptions of Major Aroids
    • Related Species
    • Cytology
  • 24 Breeding and Genetics
    • Objectives and Selection Criteria
    • Sexual Reproduction and Sterility
    • Crossing Techniques and True Seed Production
    • Selection Methods and Programmes
    • Heritability of Major Traits
    • Genotype × Environment (G × E) Interactions
    • Use of Related Species
    • Polyploidy Breeding
    • Use of Molecular Markers
    • Transgenic Technologies
    • Germplasm Conservation
  • 25 Developmental Physiology
    • Growth Cycle
      • Phase one: establishment of the plant with root formation and leaf production
      • Phase two: rapid root and shoot development with corm initiation
      • Phase three: maximum root and shoot growth with rapid increase in corm size
      • Phase four: rapid DM accumulation in the aerial parts
      • Phase five: senescence period of decreasing root and shoot growth with continued increase in corm and cormel size
      • Phase six: dormancy and decreasing corm weight due to new vegetative growth
    • Photoperiodism
    • Temperature
    • Nutrition
    • Water Deficit and Stress
    • Climate Change Adaptation
  • 26 Agronomy
    • Seed Systems and Propagule Selection
    • Soil Preparation
    • Plant Densities and Crop Establishment
    • Intercropping
    • Weeding
    • Fertilization and Nutrient Disorders
    • Harvesting
  • 27 Pests and Diseases
    • Pests
    • Nematodes
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Viruses
    • Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • 28 Postharvest Quality and Marketing
    • Chemical Composition
    • Physiological Disorders in Freshly Stored Corms
    • Marketing and Quality Standards
    • Storage Methods
    • Traditional Processing Techniques
    • Industrial Processing
  • References
  • Index

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