
Title: Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series. Handbook of research on IoT, digital transformation, and the future of global marketing
Other creators: El-Gohary Hatem; Edwards David; Ben Mimoun Mohamed Slim
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Internet marketing.; Marketing.; Customer relations.; Electronic commerce.; Internet of things.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"This book offers an understanding of the different current digital age marketing trends with an aim to link industry with academia by providing useful insights on how to improve businesses ability in creating and maximizing customers' value and loyalty"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Digital Transformation
    • Chapter 1: The Impact of Digital Transformation and Virtual Reality in Tourism Marketing
    • Chapter 2: The Future Through QR Code
    • Chapter 3: The Digital Transformation of Companies
    • Chapter 4: The Degree of SMEs Digitalization in the Context of the European Digital United Market
    • Chapter 5: Digital Transformation of Luxury Brands
    • Chapter 6: Digital Transformation in the Energy Industry
    • Chapter 7: Digital Marketing and Digital Retail Strategies in the Luxury Sector
  • Section 2: IoT
    • Chapter 8: IOTs
  • Section 3: E-Commerce
    • Chapter 9: Impact of Consumer Internet Self-Efficacy and User Friendliness of Websites on E-Commerce Adoption
    • Chapter 10: E-Commerce and Its Role in the Development of India's Indigenous Product Base
  • Section 4: Social Media
    • Chapter 11: The Impact of Social Capital and Time Spent on Facebook on Social Recognition and Attachment
    • Chapter 12: Development of Business Through the Internet and Social Media
    • Chapter 13: Brand Humour Advertisements on a Social Network Platform and Their Impact on Online Consumer Engagement
  • Section 5: Specialised Research Areas
    • Chapter 14: Phygital Customer Experience Mixed Approach of Augmented Reality and Customer Experience (DCX) in the Context of Heritage Tourism
    • Chapter 15: Intelligent Customer Experience in a Connected Commerce Environment
    • Chapter 16: Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process
    • Chapter 17: Critical View of Multiple Channels Retailing
    • Chapter 18: The Conceptualization of the E-Service Quality
    • Chapter 19: Brand Purpose and Purpose-Driven Marketing
    • Chapter 20: An Investigation of Advertising Agency Creative Managers' Perspectives on the Impact of Digital Threats and Opportunities
    • Chapter 21: Transformation of WOM (Word of Mouth) From Traditional to Digital and Current Recommendations for e-WOM
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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