
Title: Post-pandemic pedagogy: a paradigm shift
Other creators: Valenzano Joseph M., (III,)
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: College teaching.; Flipped classrooms.; Educational change.; Critical pedagogy.; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: A Paradigm Shift discusses how COVID-19 upended the college and university pedagogical paradigm. This collection looks at what we thought we knew about good teaching, how those notions changed during the pandemic, and speculates on where we will go from here in our classrooms and on our campuses"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • The COVID-19 Classroom
    • The Pandemic Induced Paradigmatic Moment
    • Predicting the Post-Pandemic Pedagogical Paradigm
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 1: Teaching in the Midst of COVID-19 : Teaching Effectiveness as a Function of Student Preferences for Instructional Behaviors
    • Teaching Effectiveness as Rhetorical
    • Teaching Effectiveness as Relational
    • Teaching Effectiveness as Presentational
    • Teaching Effectiveness as Nonaggressive
    • Teaching Effectiveness as Managerial
    • Teaching Effectiveness in the Time of COVID-19
    • Findings
    • Recommendations
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 2: From Novel to Necessary: COVID-19 and the Kairos of Bringing Technology into the Communication Classroom1
    • The Before Time: Technology as Novel (and Sometimes Dangerous)
    • The COVID-19 Pandemic: Technology as Necessary
    • The After Time: A Kairotic Moment
    • Recommendations for Incorporating Technology into Our Pedagogy
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: Compassionate and Caring Course Curriculum in the Digital University
    • [COVID-19] Online Pedagogy and Critical Theory
    • A Pedagogy of Compassion
    • Care Ethics
    • Forms of Assessment and Deadline Policies
    • Conclusion: Compassionate and Caring Course Curriculum
    • References
  • Chapter 4: Reimagining Engagement for (Post)Pandemic Teaching: A Multileveled Approach
    • Challenge: Fostering Multilevel Engagement in Online Settings
    • Opportunities: Principles for Facilitating Multilevel Engagement in Online Teaching
    • Engagement in the Future
    • References
  • Chapter 5: Teaching Communication in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World
    • Supporting Students in a Crisis: Technological Access and Abilities, and Socio-emotional Well-Being
    • Technological Ability and Professional Development
    • Planning for a Hybrid Academic Year in 2020–2021
    • Community Building
    • Blended Learning Experiences
    • Enduring Lessons
    • References
  • Chapter 6: Networked Family Spirit : Paradox and Dialectical Tensions in Moving a Small, Liberal Arts University Online1
    • Review of Literature
    • Method
    • Data
    • Analysis
    • Conclusions and Implications for Post-Pandemic Pedagogy
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 7: Post-Pandemic Anxiety : Teaching and Learning for Student Mental Wellness in Communication
    • Post-pandemic Communication Pedagogy for Student Mental Wellness
    • Lesson #1: Student Mental Health is a Matter of Equity
    • Lesson #2: Student Mental Health Benefits from Universal Design Practices
    • Lesson #3: Communication Studies Needs Trauma-Informed Teaching and Critical Grief Pedagogy
    • Lesson #4: Communication Pedagogy Should Challenge Ableist Assumptions
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 8: The Pandemic and Disability Inclusive Pedagogy : Examining the Response to COVID-19 in Higher Education 
    • Students with Disabilities
    • Students with Disabilities and the Response to COVID-19 in Higher Education
    • Recommendations Moving Forward
    • References
  • Chapter 9: Landscape of Service Learning Courses : Post-Pandemic Evolution of Community Partnerships and Service Learning Projects
    • Service Learning at Large
    • Pre-Pandemic Service Learning at University of Nebraska at Omaha
    • Pandemic Service Learning: Adapt, Improvise, Overcome
    • Post-Pandemic Speculations
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 10: Navigating Uncertainty Together : Pandemic Lessons Learned from Training New GTAs in Teaching Public Speaking
    • Navigating the Shift Online: Early Pandemic Decisions
    • Navigating GTA Cohort Community
    • Navigating Instructor Ethos
    • Navigating Instructor Communication Skills
    • Navigating Instructor Empathy
    • Conclusion and Training Recommendations
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 11: A Case for Teaching Public Speaking without Live Audiences
    • Defenses of Copresent Audiences
    • Skill Development Doesn’t Require Copresent Audiences
    • Encouraging Rerecording and Ending Requirements for Assembled Audiences
    • Conclusion: Tinkering Our Future
    • Note
    • References
  • Chapter 12: Progressing through Tuckman’s Phases in a Virtual College Classroom : Using Online Tools to Support Student Group Development
    • Using Online Tools to Guide Group Work
    • Group Development Phase One: Forming
    • Group Development Phase Two: Storming
    • Group Development Phases Three and Four: Norming and Performing
    • Group Development Phase Five: Adjourning
    • Concluding Thoughts and Lessons Learned
    • References
  • Chapter 13: Post-Pandemic Pedagogy in Intercollegiate Academic Debate : Performing Civic Life in Hybrid, Virtual, and In-Person Environments
    • Pre-Pandemic Developments in Virtual Debating
    • Developing a Virtual Paideia for Post-Pandemic IAD
    • Expanding Pedagogy across Space and Time: Virtual Paideia and the Practice Room
    • Hybridizing Virtual and In-Person Tournament Participation
    • Virtual Exhibition Debating: Expanding the Civic and Public Impact of IAD
    • Conclusion: Hybridity as a Post-Pandemic Frontier for IAD
    • Notes
    • References
  • Predicting the New Pedagogical Paradigm
    • The COVID Effect and Higher Education
    • What Will the Future Bring?
    • References
  • Index
  • Introduction

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