
Title: Moodle E-learning course development. — Fifth edition.
Creators: Nash Susan Smith
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Computer-assisted instruction — Authoring programs.; Open source software.; Internet in education.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Part 1: Getting started
  • Chapter 1: A Guided Tour of Moodle
    • The history of Moodle
    • Moodle's philosophy of learning
    • A plan to create your learning site
    • Step-by-step instructions for using Moodle
      • Step 1 – learning about the Moodle experience
      • Step 2 – installing Moodle and configuring your site
      • Step 3 – creating the framework for your learning site
      • Step 4 – making decisions about common settings
      • Step 5 – adding basic course material
      • Step 6 – making your courses interactive
      • Step 7 – evaluating your students
      • Step 8 – making your course social
      • Step 9 – adding collaborative activities
      • Step 10 – managing and extending your courses
      • Step 11 – taking the pulse of your course
    • Applying the Moodle philosophy
      • Adding resources
    • The Moodle experience
      • Working with the demonstration sites to learn and practice
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Installing Moodle and Configuring Your Site
    • Theme and Appearance
    • A locally hosted installation
    • Installing Standard Moodle, enhancing it with plugins, and adding the Moodle app
      • Standard Moodle
      • Moodle Mobile
    • A brave new Zoom world – planning for online, blended, and hybrid synchronous and asynchronous delivery
    • Using MoodleCloud
    • Exploring the site administration menu
      • Configuring authentication methods
    • Configuring the front page and the Default Dashboard
      • The front page settings page
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Creating Categories and Courses
    • Planning based on your institution's mission and vision
    • Accreditation considerations – organization and alignment
      • Choosing the best option for your front page or dashboard
      • Creating course categories
      • Rearranging course categories
      • Displaying courses and categories on your dashboard and front page
      • Functionality booster
      • Displaying an uncategorized list of courses on your front page
    • Creating courses
      • Creating a new blank course
    • Enrolling teachers and students
      • Assigning teachers
    • Summary
  • Part 2: Implementing The Curriculum
  • Chapter 4: Managing Resources, Activities, and Conditional Access
    • Course material – resources and activities
    • Getting content ready
    • Mapping your approach
    • Identifying course goals and learning objectives
    • The map – CDD
      • A universal design for learning
    • Settings that are common to all resources and activities
      • Adding a resource or activity
      • Entering the name and description
      • Showing and hiding a resource or an activity
      • Setting the availability of a resource or an activity
      • Using the visibility setting to show or hide a resource
      • The gradebook
    • Rearrange/move items on the course home page
      • Restricting access
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Adding Resources to Your Moodle Course
    • Tying resources to course outcomes
    • Adding different kinds of resources
    • Adding URLs and embedded resources
      • Display options – Embed, Open, and In pop-up
    • Adding links
    • Adding pages
      • Adding a page to your course
      • Adding images
      • Pasting text
      • Composing in an HTML editor and uploading to Moodle
    • Adding files for your students to download
      • When a student selects a file from the course
      • File repositories
      • Using file-sharing services to collaborate
      • Using repositories to overcome Moodle's limit on file sizes
      • Functionality Booster
    • Adding media – video and audio
      • Adding video or audio to a page
      • Functionality Booster
    • Using labels to further organize your course
      • Naming your topics
      • Rearranging/moving items on the course home page
      • "Instant course" with videos in the public domain – a good idea?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Adding Assignments, Lessons, Feedback, and Choice
    • Instructional strategy
    • Learning objectives
    • Competency learning definitions
    • Moodle activities
    • Adding an activity
    • Selecting assignments
    • Understanding assignments in Moodle
      • Adding an assignment
      • Requirements of the assignments
      • Availability
      • Submission types
      • Grading an assignment
      • Common module settings
      • Restrict access
      • Activity completion
      • Tags
      • Competencies
    • Setting up lessons
      • Planning, creating pages, and adding content
      • Types of lesson pages
      • Configuring lesson settings
    • Developing feedback modules
      • Feedback isn't just for learners
      • Creating a Feedback activity
      • Viewing feedback
    • Exploring Choice
      • The learner's point of view
      • The teacher's point of view
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Evaluating Students with Quizzes
    • Moodle 4.0's Quiz activity
    • Developing graded assessments using quizzes
    • Building question banks
      • Functionality booster
      • Question types
      • Adding existing questions from the question bank
      • Configuring quiz settings
    • Adding questions to a quiz
      • Multiple-choice questions in the question bank
      • Guessing games
      • Developing quiz questions that align with the higher-order levels of Bloom's Taxonomy
      • Matching
    • Adding random questions to a quiz
      • Maximum grade
      • The grade for each question
    • Mastery learning
      • Quizzes and competency frameworks
      • Certificates
      • Badges
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Getting Social with Chats and Forums
    • An interaction-based instructional strategy
    • Learning from one another
    • Setting up Chat
      • The chat settings page
      • Chat logs
    • Adding and running forums
      • Multiple forums
      • Using the Announcements forum for notifications
      • Forum-based content delivery
      • Forum-based assignments
      • Forum-based peer review
      • Forum-based review and linking to assessments
      • Starting and posting to a forum
    • Linking to collaboration platforms (Functionality booster)
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Collaborating with Wikis and Glossaries
    • Using collaboration as an instructional strategy that replicates today's work environment
    • Glossary
      • Enabling glossaries and auto-linking
      • Enabling glossaries for your site
      • Enabling auto-linking
    • Adding and configuring a glossary
      • Global glossaries versus local glossaries
      • Main glossaries versus secondary glossaries
      • Entries approved by default
      • Always allow editing and Duplicate entries allowed
      • Allowing comments
      • Automatically linking glossary entries
      • Appearance settings
      • Outcomes
      • Functionality booster – enabling ratings
    • Adding glossary entries
    • Importing and exporting entries
    • Wiki
      • Using a wiki for student contributions and explanations of a topic
      • Using a wiki to create a list of judging criteria for evaluating a competition
      • Planning collaborative projects – using the wiki type and groups mode to determine who can edit a wiki
      • Using the wiki type and groups mode to determine who can edit a wiki
      • The first-page name
      • The default format
      • Functionality booster
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Running a Workshop
    • Why use a workshop?
    • When are group project-based workshops best?
      • The big questions
    • Workshop strategies
      • Peer assessment of submissions
      • The timing of submissions and assessments
    • The four phases
      • The setup phase – the edit settings page
      • The submission phase – students submit their work
      • The assessment phase
      • The grading evaluation phase
      • The closed phase
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Groups and Cohorts
    • Groups versus cohorts
    • Cohorts
      • Creating a cohort
      • Adding and removing students to and from a cohort
    • Cohort sync
      • Enabling the cohort sync enrollment method
      • Adding the cohort sync enrollment method to a course
      • Unenrolling a cohort from a course
    • Managing students within groups
      • Courses versus activities
      • The three group modes
      • Creating a group
    • Summary
  • Part 3: Power Tools for Teachers and Administrators
  • Chapter 12: Extending Your Course by Adding Blocks
    • Defining a block
      • Uses of blocks
      • Examples of blocks in action
    • Configuring where a block appears
    • Standard blocks
      • The Activities block
      • The Text block
      • The Blog menu block
      • The Blog tags block
      • The Calendar block
      • The Comments block
      • The Course completion status block
      • Course/site summary
      • The Learning plans block
      • The Online users block
      • The Recent activity block
      • The Remote RSS feeds block
      • The Search Forums block
      • The Topics block
      • The Upcoming events block
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Features for Teachers: Logs, Reports, and Guides
    • Student views of performance and progress
    • Logs and reports
      • Competency breakdown
      • Viewing course logs
      • Functionality booster
      • Viewing Live logs
      • Viewing activity reports
      • Participation reports – reports used for interventions to assure persistence
      • Using activity completion
      • Reports and accreditation
      • Viewing grades
      • Categorizing grades
    • Summary
  • Index
  • Other Books You May Enjoy

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