
Title: Nonlinear control techniques for electro-hydraulic actuators in robotics engineering
Creators: Qing Guo; Dan Jiang
Imprint: Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2017
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Робототехнические системы; Гидравлическое оборудование; Автоматические системы нелинейные; robotic systems; hydraulic machinery; automatic systems, nonlinear
UDC: 621.865.8; 681.511.4:621.22
Document type: Other
File type: Other
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать)
Record key: RU\SPSTU\edoc\60681

Allowed Actions: View


Nonlinear Control Techniques for Electro-Hydraulic Actuators in Robotics Engineering meets the needs of those working in advanced electro-hydraulic controls for modern mechatronic and robotic systems. The non-linear EHS control methods covered are proving to be more effective than traditional controllers, such as PIDs. The control strategies given address parametric uncertainty, unknown external load disturbance, single-rod actuator characteristics, and control saturation. Theoretical and experimental validations are explained, and examples provided. Based on the authors'cutting-edge research, this work is an important resource for engineers, researchers, and students working in EHS.

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